Monday, September 30, 2019

Compartment Syndrome

Balancing Change Everyone experiences drastic changes or problems in their lives, and the ones who can react and find solutions to them will most likely end up conquering them. For some, it can take a long time to adjust, while others can come out on top quicker. It was a normal feeling Friday when I woke up on January 26th, 2007, but little did I know this would be the biggest challenge that I have ever had to face. â€Å"Ring†¦. ring†¦.. ring,† the school bell rang deafeningly through the gymnasium.It was first period, and the first class on my agenda for the day was my personal favorite, â€Å"P. E. †, short for Physical Education. The class started out with our muscle-loosening stretches, and then moved on to one of my all-time favorite sports, basketball. The sparkling, brand new â€Å"Kobe Bryant 8’s† were a necessity for my feet in order to play. As I was tying the knots to begin, my best friend Ryan Decker glided swiftly into class with h is â€Å"Heely’s†, which are shoes made with a wheel incorporated into the sole of the shoe. What did I do, when I first spotted them?I asked him if I could try them on and roll around the gymnasium, because the slick floor provides a perfect surface for rolling around on. As I was rolling around, a basketball rolled in between my feet. I stared at it, and thought about it for a couple seconds. I thought to myself, â€Å"How cool would it be to roll from one side to the other, then shoot a layup right into the basket? † Step by step, glide by glide, I was gaining speed. â€Å"BOOM! † Before I could even comprehend what happened, I glared down at a surging pain that vibrated through my whole body, mainly sourcing from my left ankle.My ankle was completely turned backwards. I frantically yelled out to my instructor, â€Å"MY ANKLE IS BROKEN! † As he sprinted over to the other side of the gymnasium where I was laying in agony, I could see an audience starting to gather. He informed me that the ambulance was on its way and that my mother had been notified. Five minutes later, the ambulance arrived to my side. Before I knew it, I was placed into the ambulance, and I was on my way to seek urgent medical attention. Within four hours, I went through multiple x-rays, took a bunch of ain-killers, and a vibrant green colored cast was placed onto the lower half of my leg. Unfortunately enough, I had suffered a double break through my tibia, which is the second biggest bone in the human body, next to the femur. I thought to myself about all the consequences this would cause and how it would interfere with my everyday life. After a long ride home with my mother, I finally saw my house in the distance; I was home. With my leg still screaming with pain, I wondered why the pain was still so severe, even with the help of the pain killers.I kept on repeating to my parents that I was still in excruciating pain. The pain was so unbearable that I couldn’t keep my mind off of it. This continued on for a couple days, but then something went terribly wrong. I tried to wiggle my toes to see if my movement was still there, but it wasn’t. Over and over again, I kept trying to move them and then I came to realize all of the movement in my foot was gone. I finally communicated to my parents that there was really something bad going on and that I needed to get rushed back to the hospital for a checkup.After impatiently waiting in the waiting room for about an hour, I the doctor finally arrived to escort the family and I to the testing room. Then the worst words, that I will never forget came out of her mouth. â€Å"Robert†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦I made a mistake when I diagnosed you with a broken ankle†¦you have suffered from a condition called compartment syndrome. † â€Å"Compartment syndrome is a limb threatening and life threatening condition, defined as the compression of nerves, blood vessels, and muscle inside a closed space (compartment[->0]) within the body.This leads to tissue death from lack of oxygenation due to the blood vessels being compressed by the raised pressure within the compartment† (PubMed). All of a sudden, the doctor said I needed to be placed into surgery immediately before the condition worsened. I kept thinking about my future in school, sports, and most importantly my health. My education was in path to become a big failure, sports was not going to be a significant part of my life anymore, and hopefully my leg was still going to be attached to my body by the end of this.After a successful surgery of putting in screws through my thick tibia bone, adding new tendons from a cadaver, and fixing it cosmetically, I finally woke up from the anesthesia. Movements with my ankle hurt like hell, but I didn’t even seem to care because I was able to regain movement and at least half of my feeling back. Eight weeks passed by, and I was finally able to start my phys ical therapy training to try and overcome this beast of an incident. The physical therapist first instructed me to walk down the hallway on about fifty percent of my weight.As I was taking my second step I heard and felt a click in my ankle. The stitches holding my tendons together into place ripped through them like a soft cheese. I again was not able to move any part to my foot and ankle. I was back to square one once again. I was not physically and mentally prepared for something this bad to happen. I was going to have to go under the knife once more to fix this mess of an injury. This same instance of ripping through the cadaver’s tendon in my ankle happened five more times before I was fully healed. But what does fully healed mean?Fully healed to me, meant nothing because of everything I went through to get to this point. No student should have to miss 3 months of school in one school year and have to be strayed from any scholastic activities for that long. No athlete sh ould have to miss a whole season and championship run because of an injury. Lastly no human being should have to worry about their health and their chance of living at the age of fifteen. At the end of this challenge, I had to go through seven surgeries, when really it should’ve only taken about two.Because the doctor never tested my ankle for compartment syndrome, I had to suffer. What did suffering do to me in the long run? It turned me into who I am today. A young man who feels like he can make his was through any adversity, problems, or change. When something bad happens to yourself, you are given two choices: either to react in a manner aiming to better yourself from the situation, or to grieve and stay emotionally broken. Always keep your head up, and never think the worst because it can always get better with the right attitude.I am now right back on track with my education, and the ankle feels better than ever. Never again, will I ever put on another pair of â€Å"He ely’s† in my life. The art of being able to balance change is something that I believe has transformed me into the person I am today and the person I am going to be. Works Cited: Board, A. D. A. M. Editorial. Compartment Syndrome. U. S. National Library of Medicine, 18 Nov. 0000. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. . [->0] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Compartment_(anatomy)

Case Digest Aglipay vs Ruiz

Facts: In May 1936, the Director of Posts announced in the dailies of Manila that he would order the issuance of postage stamps commemorating the celebration in the City of Manila of the 33rd International Eucharistic Congress, organized by the Roman Catholic Church. The petitioner, Mons. Gregorio Aglipay, Supreme Head of the Philippine Independent Church, in the fulfillment of what he considers to be a civic duty, requested Vicente Sotto, Esq. member of the Philippine Bar, to denounce the matter to the President of the Philippines. In spite of the protest of the petitioner’s attorney, the Director of Posts publicly announced having sent to the United States the designs of the postage for printing. The said stamps were actually issued and sold though the greater part thereof remained unsold. The further sale of the stamps was sought to be prevented by the petitioner.Issue: Whether the issuance of the postage stamps was in violation of the Constitution. Held: Religious freedom as a constitutional mandate is not inhibition of profound reverence for religion and is not a denial of its influence in human affairs. Religion as a profession of faith to an active power that binds and elevates man to his Creator is recognized. And, in so far as it instills into the minds the purest principles of morality, its influence is deeply felt and highly appreciated.When the Filipino people, in the preamble of their Constitution, implored â€Å"the aid of Divine Providence, in order to establish a government that shall embody their ideals, conserve and develop the patrimony of the nation, promote the general welfare, and secure to themselves and their posterity the blessings of independence under a regime of justice, liberty and democracy,† they thereby manifested their intense religious nature and placed unfaltering reliance upon Him who guides the destinies of men and nations.The elevating influence of religion in human society is recognized here as elsewhere. Act 4052 contemplates no religious purpose in view. What it gives the Director of Posts is the discretionary power to determine when the issuance of special postage stamps would be â€Å"advantageous to the Government. † Of course, the phrase â€Å"advantageous to the Government† does not authorize the violation of the Constitution; i. e. o appropriate, use or apply of public money or property for the use, benefit or support of a particular sect or church. In the case at bar, the issuance of the postage stamps was not inspired by any sectarian feeling to favor a particular church or religious denominations. The stamps were not issued and sold for the benefit of the Roman Catholic Church, nor were money derived from the sale of the stamps given to that church.The purpose of the issuing of the stamps was to take advantage of an event considered of international importance to give publicity to the Philippines and its people and attract more tourists to the country. Thus, ins tead of showing a Catholic chalice, the stamp contained a map of the Philippines, the location of the City of Manila, and an inscription that reads â€Å"Seat XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress, Feb. 3-7, 1937. † The Supreme Court denied the petition for a writ of prohibition, without pronouncement as to costs.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Relationship Between Child Abuse and Delinquency

A child is an innocent figure only looking for love and care from those around them. No one can ever imagine that the lives of children are put in danger everyday. Child abuse is commonly known for physical marks such as bruises or broken bones. It is obvious that some marks are not from falling off a bike and those are the signs that appear that something is wrong with the child. According to the Florida Statue, abuse means any willful act or threatened act that results in any physical, mental, or sexual injury or harm that causes or is likely to cause the child’s physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired.Abuse of a child includes acts or omissions. Corporal discipline of a child by a parent or legal custodian for disciplinary purposes does not in itself constitute abuse when it does not result in harm to the child. [s. 39. 01(2),F. S. ]. However, there are several types of abuse. Emotional abuse and neglect can also mean making a child feel worthless , not paying attention to them, and putting them in dangerous situations. Whether it is physical or not child abuse is never an answer to a situation because the end result will only cause harm.Some often wonder about child delinquents and the reason behind their actions. Children’s behavior can be the result of genetic, social, and environmental factors. In addition, it can relate to their emotional, cognitive, and physical characteristics. In this particular topic it is a factor as to why children become a delinquent. Some may debate that it is not a result of child abuse that children’s behavior become corrupt but there are behaviors that mirror what the child is going through in their life. I. Prevalence Once a child has been abused there are several outcomes for them as they grow up.With that outcome creates a strong relationship between child abuse and later delinquency. Being abused at a young age increases the occurrence of a child to become delinquent and resu lts in being arrested. Researchers found that the prevalence of child abuse was a risk factor for delinquency, violent delinquency, and moderate delinquency. It was seen frequently in a more serious form of delinquency in dealing with assaults but not in lesser forms of delinquency such as underage drinking (Cross, 2003). On the other side of this issue some people believe that being abused as a child does not ecessarily mean that the child will become a delinquent. Abuse alone does not lead to an act of violence. It would seem that something peculiar about certain kinds of abuse would promote delinquency or that additional factors interact with abuse and together it will contribute to the development of antisocial, often aggressive behavior. Although about 20 percent of abused children go on to become delinquent, retrospective studies indicate that surprisingly high percentages of delinquents were previously abused, neglected, or both.The United States Department of Health and Huma n Services has estimated that approximately 3. 4 children per 1,000 per year are physically abused. These proportions provide some measure with which to compare the prevalence of a history of abuse in delinquents (Cicchetti, 2001). II. Effects on Children There are several effects on children involved in child abuse. These effects are so strong that a child may never be able to deal and cope with what they have experienced. Effects may range from having trouble in relationships with others to not being able to function in a work setting.For children as young as twelve months old there are immediate effects of child abuse such as injuries resulting from shaking. Physical child abuse can vary from child to child depending on six factors: severity of the physical abuse, frequency of the abuse, age of the child when physical abuse begun, child’s relationship to the abuser, availability of support from people, and child’s ability to cope (Pipe, 2008). How hard a child is st ruck is only one aspect of severity. The object in which the child is struck with can also be a factor.It does not mean that a fist or an open hand will cause less effects but, the measure of damaged done to the child can make a big difference in how the child will cope. It only takes one punch, one slap, or one broken bone to lead to a severe trauma and the more a child is abused on a regular basis the more effects will be placed on the child. If a child is being abused at a young age it will leave more of an impact on them. It will also show a bigger impression as they continue to age. As for the abuser, it is usually someone the child knows and has a close relationship with such as a parent.When being close to the abuser it makes it harder for the child to betray their trust in telling others what is occurring. A child may even fear the abuser and is force to keep quiet so they will not face harsher punishments. Instead of having that person take care of them they are hurting the child. Sometimes a child has one person or friend who they can turn to when they feel lost or confused about what is happening to them but, when there is no one to lean on they may encounter feelings of abandonment which then adds on to more effects of abuse.Coping strategies can also be a form of effects for children. An abused child may be the class clown in class where they use their humor to cover up their sufferings. Some other effects include lack of trust and relationship difficulties. Being abused by the one person who should be the first person to trust is putting a child in a position that no one is safe. By breaking that bond and trust with a child it will forever make it difficult for them to have a relationship with anyone.They may never understand what a good relationship consists of since all they know is how to be abusive and controlling over another person. Another effect on children is feeling worthless. Some believe that name calling should not leave a mark on a person but for young children not knowing any better or understanding the concept of what is being done to them can make them truly believe whatever is being said to them. They will believe that they are not smart or pretty and grow up thinking that they are damaged and are good for nothing.Lastly, abused children tend to have problems expressing their feelings and regulating their emotions. Some children keep quiet to themselves and hold all their emotions inside while others may lash out unexpectedly causing them to become aggressive and harming others. If these emotions are not dealt with right away it will carry on to their adulthood where they will struggle with issues such as anger and depression which then can lead to drugs and alcohol. The effects of abuse can continue on in a variety of ways but this is only a handful of effects that can occur. III.Role of Professional Social Worker in addressing the issue A social worker, whether protective or one who has other job functio ns, is considered to be a professional (Popple and Leighninger, 2007). A professional is one who possesses the following: a systematic body of knowledge, authority because of his or her expertise, sanction from the community, a code of ethics, a professional culture, and an obligation to professionalism or to perform competently (Crowsson-Tower, 2010). As for child abuse, a social worker must know and understand what is going on in the home of an abusive child.He or she will need to have the knowledge of how to work with the family and what they do and do not like. Being in this field of work a social worker will have the role of working with different systems such as the community and the government. They will need to be aware of what will always be best for the client even if it results in removing a child from the home. A child may not understand why they are being taken away from their home but the social worker will have to trust their instincts of how to handle the situation.A social worker will always have the authority from their agency to take and place children into the foster care system. From knowledge, authority, and community sanctions social workers are able and are mandated to report any situation they feel should be reported. By committing these acts, a social worker is following the code of ethics as well as a professional mannerism. In addition, social workers and administrators may hold divergent views on the needs of the clients within the context of overall agency responsibilities.Thus, there is a culture of related professionals who, despite similarities, are often quite different in their views and opinions (Crosson-Tower, 2010). Other roles a profession social worker must carry is having ethical competence. There are many diverse clients who social workers will come across and will need to be able to relate to their client’s values, language, history, traditions, and basic ways to accommodate the needs of the minority clients. F urthermore, when having clients that are young like children, social workers will need to know personal qualities such as showing warmth and sensitivity.These qualities are crucial in this role as many children who have been abused do not understand how it feels to be nurtured. A social worker may not get carried away with their sensitive side as it is also their responsibility to provide structure and allocate the duties of the child’s case. IV. Intervention Techniques Once a child has been abused and a social worker has been informed everything becomes intensified when dealing with the family. An intervention process is then put into work where techniques are brought into the scene so no harm is done and no one will remain upset.Effective intervention that is, to intervene so as to cause the least damage and prove the most helpful with culturally diverse populations necessitates several areas of expertise on the part of the worker and agency (Fontes, 2008; Leigh, 1998; Roth man, 2007). If there is a city with a high culture of Hispanics, it is a good technique to have many case workers who are fluent in Spanish. Creating intervention techniques may be easy or difficult depending on the family. However, one main technique that is proven to be helpful is identifying the strengths of the family.Before they know what they have done is wrong it is easier to develop a bond with them by assuring them that they can trust you as their social worker. As this trust is gained it is merely one step at a time and one problem at a time for the family. The social worker will then help the family choose their goals and how to go about accomplishing them. In this particular circumstance in child abuse there are a lot of resources that must be used during the intervention stage. A family will need to focus on treatment of an abusive parent, legal issues, employment, parenting skills, and any other services needed for the intervention.Removing a child from the home may be best at this point since signs of abuse are obvious but it may also be a benefit for the parent where they are able to relieve any tension and focus on themselves. Techniques that are commonly used in intervention also consist of self-disclosure, instilling hope, working through resistance, and use of a sense of humor. Demonstrating similar stories on how people overcome problems in the same situation will help the client realize that they are not the only ones who have been put in their situation and it is possible for them to make a turnaround.Instilling hope gives the client the strength and confidence in themselves and the ability to become a better person. There may be some parents who refuse to work through treatment but social workers should not take this as an offense as it may be that the parents have always been passive. The social worker will then have to work with the parents in trying to get to them to open up. Lastly, by demonstrating a sense of humor with laughter gi ves off a comfort to the client. V. Implications for PracticeAs the saying goes, practice makes perfect however, in this profession one can never receive enough practice. Working with others is a big responsibility where the life of someone such as children is placed in your hands to protect. The most evident ways to practice for this career is to take as many courses as possible to prepare you for any and every situation possible. Never assume to work with only one client population as there are a various ethnicities. One must be able to work with diverse populations and be able to research on cultures if it is not known.Some other suggestions for practice are to role play with others who are involved with working in the same field. Being put in a position is the experience that all future social workers need whether they are the client or the case worker. Researching on cases and learning the concepts behind the meaning of why and how protocols are used can be an immense amount of help. Volunteering as well will give the experience a person will need to work in this field. It is better to find out early on that this is a career one wants then to be stressed over why they chose to do it.Shadowing workers can also give good practice on what to do and what not to do when working with clients. In the end, once you are placed in the field and are working with others, a social worker will grasp the concept and procedures of how to handle each case. As long as the passion is there to do what it best for the client the social worker will always be doing their job. References Chapter 39, Florida Statues and excerpts from the Florida rules of juvenile procedure. (2005). Tallahassee: Florida Cicchetti, D. (2001).Child maltreatment: theory and research on the causes and consequences of child abuse and neglect. New York: New York Cross, Theodore P. , Wendy A. Walsh,  Monique Simone,  Lisa M. Jones, â€Å"Prosecution of Child Abuse: A Meta-Analysis of Rates of Crimin al Justice Decisions,† Trauma, Violence, & Abuse: A Review Journal. Volume 4 (October 2003): pages 323-340. Crosson-Tower, C. (2010). Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (8th ed. ). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Fontes, L. A. (2008). Child Abuse and Culture. New York: Guilford. Leigh, J. W. (1998). Communicating for Cultural Competence.Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Pipe, Margaret-Ellen, Yael Orbach, Michael Lamb, Craig B. Abbott, Heather Stewart, Do Best Practice Interviews with Child Abuse Victims Influence Case Processing? (pdf, 123 pages), Washington, D. C. , National Institute of Justice, U. S. Department of Justice, NCJ 224524, November 2008. Popple, P. R. , and Leighninger, I. (2007). Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Rothman. J. C. (2007). Cultural Competence in Process and Practice: Building Bridges. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson

Mobile Phones a a health hazard Essay

These days the Technology is increasing so much that we all people are dependent on the machines which many engineers have made. These entire software machines are not always useful in your lives but on the other hand are dangerous and hazardous. The attraction towards all this things can be an addiction which will in future never be removed from our body. The mobile phones is one of the inventions. The students studying in schools are finding this gadget inseparable from them. A few schools are allowing the students to carry their mobile phones with them. I believe that this is not right. While the teachers in the schools are teaching, the students are busy on their phones and not giving attention about what their teacher is teaching. Excess usage of mobile phones can reduce our level of concentration and focus because of which we might not perform well in our exams. As this being a habit can never be given up and I can prove it with an example of my daily routine. I have been noticing this in my school and also in many other places that whenever people have gone on a holiday with their family so as to remove their tension and stress. But they are not able to as the whole time during their vacation also they are busy with their office work, or the regular social networking sites and applications. Vacation is meant to be relaxing with your family and friends instead of being on the screen the whole day. As I had said that mobile phones are sometimes dangerous and hazardous because they emit the radioactive waves which can effect on our brains and also cause us cancer. If we talk on phones two or three hours a day it will cause cancer which can be harmful to our health. But the most dangerous incident that happens because of mobile phones is while driving or crossing a road. As the government had made a rule that we all people are not allowed to talk on the phone while driving but most of the citizens do not follow this rule. There are many incidents on the Mumbai roads. There was a person talking on his phone while crossing the roads, and met with an accident and he came under a bus. The mobile phones could be our best friend and useful gadgets when we use it in need like Emergency or to pass on information about our whereabouts to our parents when we are late to reach home.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Necklace

The Necklace About the Author Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant was born on August 5, 1850, to an affluent family at the Chateau de Miromesnil, in France. As a child, Guy adored his mother and loathed his absent father. His mother was very literary and passed on her love of books to her son, Guy, and his brother, Herve. Much of Guy’s childhood was spent in the countryside playing sports or simply spending time outdoors. Point of View Third-Person Omniscient The story's focus is certainly on Mathilde, but the narrator does not speak from her point of view.Instead, he talks about Mathilde as if he were from the outside looking in. When he brings her up at the beginning, she's just â€Å"one of those girls† (1). It sounds like he's seen a lot more of them than just this one. That's omniscient, all right. Mathilde's also not the only character whose thoughts he can see into; he's able to speak into her husband's thoughts just as easily, when he wants to. Overview Mathilde Loisel is â€Å"pretty and charming† but feels she has been born into a family of unfavorable economic status.She was married off to a lowly clerk in the Ministry of Education, who can afford to provide her only with a modest though not uncomfortable lifestyle. Mathilde feels the burden of her poverty intensely. She regrets her lot in life and spends endless hours imagining a more extravagant existence. While her husband expresses his pleasure at the small, modest supper she has prepared for him, she dreams of an elaborate feast served on fancy china and eaten in the company of wealthy friends. She possesses no fancy jewels or clothing, yet these are the only things she lives for. Without them, she feels she is not desirable.She has one wealthy friend, Madame Forestier, but refuses to visit her because of the heartbreak it brings her. Theme The Necklace Theme of Wealth â€Å"The Necklace† gets its title from the gorgeous piece of diamond jewelry that drives the story' s plot. The expensive nature of the necklace is not the only way in which wealth is central to this story. The main character of â€Å"The Necklace† is obsessed with wealth. She wants nothing else than to escape from her shabby middle-class life with a shabby middle-class husband and live the glamorous life for which she was born. She's so jealous of her one wealthy friend it hurts.When Mathilde's given the chance to get decked out in diamonds and go to a ritzy party to mingle with all the beautiful people, it seems like her dreams have finally become a reality. Then she loses the borrowed diamond necklace, gets cast into poverty, and learns what it means to truly live without money. The Necklace Theme of Women and Femininity Mathilde Loisel, the main character of â€Å"The Necklace,† is a 19th century French version of a desperate housewife. Because she's a woman in a man's world, she has almost no control over her life. She finds herself married to a husband she does n't care for, and cooped up in a house she despises.What she wants more than anything else is to be desirable to other men. And what's particularly irritating is that she has all the â€Å"womanly virtues† she needs in order to be desirable: she's charming, graceful, beautiful. She's just doesn't have the necessary wealth. Does Mathilde Loisel capture the tragic plight of the modern, middle-class woman? Is she a victim of the patriarchal society in which she lives? Or is she just a shallow and materialistic character? Characters * Madame Jeanne Forestier Madame Forestier is a school friend of Mathilde Loisel, and she lends her the necklace that Madame Loisel wears to the ball. Madame Mathilde Loisel It is Madame Loisel’s desire to be part of the upper class which sets the story’s events in motion. * Monsieur Loisel Monsieur Loisel’s complacency and contentment with his social situation contrasts markedly with his wife’s desire to experience life am ong the social elite. Settings It is set in 19th century Paris, France The events take place at Rue de Martyrs where the Loisels live The Seine-Mathilde waits for a cab The Palais Royal- Mathilde buys a necklace to replace the lost one The Champ Elysees- The street where Mathilde meets Madame Forestier Plot Conflict It's a party and I'll cry if I want to†¦The action proper begins when M. Loisel (Mathilde's husband) comes home with the invitation to the fabulous ball and Mathilde reacts by having a fit. Now we have a specific problem: Mathilde's now has the best opportunity she's ever had to have a taste of the high life, but she has nothing to wear. That problem sets the rest of the plot in motion. Complication Diamonds are this girl's best friend Mathilde solves the first problem when her husband gives her money for a dress. But then she runs into a second problem: she's needs to have some jewels. Luckily, her friend Mme. Forestier is able to provide her with a fabulous diamon d necklace.But now Mathilde's been entrusted with something expensive that belongs to someone else and we have the potential for disaster. It's true that the complication is often when things â€Å"get worse,† and that doesn't really happen here (for that, we have to wait for the climax). In fact, after borrowing the necklace, Mathilde has the time of her life. But it's when she borrows the necklace that the possibility opens up for something really bad to happen†¦and it does. Climax The necklace is missing! Mathilde's discovery is the most exciting and dramatic moment in the story (until that crazy twist in the last line).It's also the turning point in the plot. Before, the story was a build-up to Mathilde's one glorious night with the rich and famous. Now it transitions into a desperate search. We have a feeling things are not going to end well. Suspense Diamonds, when lost, are a girl's worst nightmare After the loss of the necklace, we're kept in constant suspense. F irst, there's the search for the necklace: will it be found? When it becomes clear it isn't going to be, the question becomes: what will the Loisels do? Will they find a replacement? And when they do, the question is: how the are they going to pay for it?It turns out paying for it takes quite a toll on them – their lives are ruined for ten years. Denouement A fateful stroll down the Champs Elysees When Mathilde meets Mme. Forestier on the Champs Elysees, it looks like we're just about to tie up the last loose end in the story. The main action is over – the Loisels have finally finished paying off their debts for the necklace. All that remains is for Mathilde to see whether her friend ever noticed the substitute necklace, and tell her the sad story of the whole affair. But then things don't quite wrap up the way we expect. Conclusion Come on baby, let's do the twist†¦Sometimes critics say that the twist ending is the climax of the story. You could think that the tw ist is the most exciting moment of the story, and represents a turning point since it reverses everything that came before. But we're sticking to our guns, and saying that the twist ending isn't the climax, but the conclusion. A climax is technically the point of the plot that everything builds up to, and that's not true of the twist. What makes the twist so effective is that by the time it happens the plot has already â€Å"risen and fallen,† and seems to be wrapping up naturally. Then, right in the denouement, everything changes.Unlike your run-of-the-mill conclusion, this conclusion is exciting, and it upsets everything. Analysis â€Å"The Necklace† clearly demonstrates Maupassant’s fixation with facts and observations. Rather than explore Mathilde’s yearning for wealth or unhappiness with her life, Maupaussant simply tells us about her unhappiness and all the things she desires. At the end of the story, he provides no moral commentary or explanation a bout Mathilde’s reaction to Madame Forestier’s shocking revelation; he simply reports events as they happen. There is no pretense, idealizing, or artifice to Maupaussant’s prose or treatment of his characters.

Statement of Purpose Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Of Purpose - Personal Statement Example My interest started growing based on a numbers of reasons. First, my instructor in high school was very interesting and could help in case one needed to be assisted. History is all around us in our everyday activities. We have to study history to appreciate our past; everything like scientific innovations, technological changes and medical products have history. Moreover, my degree course in history has made quite a number of changes in my career that have made me consider pursuing this subject to a higher level. What I have learned from this field is that people behave differently based on the differences in their cultures, ideas and background. My explorations on this field also have shown the changes takes places from one period to another. The field is interesting because of the way research on past events is done, which bring awareness of behavioral changes in societies which we need to be clear on; so that in case decisions needs to be made, history is available. The analysis o f history helps to explain the events that tend to occur, which is done using stories or narratives making it easy to understand the past and making it look like it is a live event, this makes the subject so entertaining to study. For example, in the cold war, history studies its occurrence; the social, cultural and economic changes caused by the event. During my undergraduate’s studies, I studied the history of World Wars and the Cold War. This is where I was inspired most by the subject. Because of the approach I had on the subject right from high school and the motivation I had from studies, my course went on well and I achieve the required skills. During the course, I conducted numerous researches by use of available resources. I have developed skills in writing and discussions regarding historical events. I also study various political differences in various corners of the world. The clarity of the nature of the world we are in today is also done in my studies, which has assisted me explain political, environmental and economic changes worldwide. The coverage of a wide range of historical events has made me well prepared for further studies. I had wanted to be in the government as a politician, this career would help a lot, as I would be well aware of national and international political changes. To see the importance of historical events, the next paragraph discusses the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on US soil. The tragic event happened when terrorists under the influence of renowned terrorist Osama Bin Laden took over four planes and flew them to the United States. They crashed them on the tallest building, The World Trade Center Towers and another jet crashed on the American military center, Pentagon. The damaged caused was huge and the number of deaths were many. The twin towers were brought down completely and on the other side of the Pentagon military centre, one section was damaged. Many people died from the explosion of the tower aft er the hit and toxic fumes contributed to a number of deaths. This historical event is important because Americans remember it as the tragic day that they lost many of their loved ones. The day is also important because it showed Americas that their security system is insecure. US lead a war on both Iraq and Afghanistan that lead to rise of more terror groups. This lead to so many terrorist-planned attacks throughout the world (Bodden

Friday, September 27, 2019

Heimlich Maneuver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Heimlich Maneuver - Essay Example A rescuer should apply Heimlich maneuver only when he notices that the choking person is not able to talk or cough, is holding on to his throat which could signal difficulty in breathing or when the victim’s lips turn blue indicating that he is unable to breathe. As a general rule, one has to contact 911 before the emergency method is given just in case further treatment is needed. After observing any of the aforementioned signs, explain to the victim that you are going to help him clear his airway by applying the Heimlich maneuver. The rescuer then helps the victim on his feet and move behind him making a fist with one hand and placing it on the victim’s belly button and anchoring it with the other hand. He should make five quick upward thrusts, in a J-like movement to allow air to push the obstruction from the airway. Check to see if the obstruction is dislodged, if not, repeat the process. When the victim coughs, stop the procedure because this would indicate that the victim is able to breathe. In case the blockage is not removed and the victim losses consciousness, help the victim down to the floor carefully and let him lie down on prone position, that is, his back on the floor. The rescuer should continue to attempt dislodging the obstruction until professional help arrives. He should let air move up to the victim’s windpipe to get the foreign object out of the airway.

Reading and Writing Skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reading and Writing Skill - Essay Example The author Jiayan NI wrote all the articles. Analysis of "sense and sensibility" Jane Austin-Question 1 We see two fundamental aims of moral psychology or moral philosophy. Many hold values that they often claim to be sacred. Life in most religions and in many ethical systems hold that "life" is held scared. Tetlocks in 1986 said that concept of value pluralism that "life", can hold a value of pluralism. The world in general, does not allow human beings to hold a single principle as sacred. Instead, "life" is full of difficult choices that demand that we balance one value against another. In the case of" sense and sensibility," Jane Austin shows the value of money over love and love over money (Tetlock, 1986). This considered as a cause and effect analysis. The movie keeps the attention of the audience through the representation of the heroin. Jiayan NI does not explore the moral psychology or moral philosophy of the argument. Analysis of glamour plot "pride and prejudice"-Question 2 This is another classic love story in American Literature by Jane Austin. Psychologists have found that implicit attitudes are a predictor for certain human behaviour. Implicitly there are stereotypes predicted through discrimination against female's job applicants as shown in the Rudman and Boride study done in 1995 (Rudman, 1995). Another study done by Rudman and Glick in 2001 found that study participants who help strongly imply that attitudes connecting women with communal traits are common for the example women being more helpful while men are more agnostic (Rudman, 2001). Researchers have noted a societal shift over the last few decades from old-fashion racism to modern racism. Old fashion racism is explicit and often accompanied by hostility. Implicit attitudes are more likely to occur when decision makers are using implicit attitudes instead of thinking. This also indicates that themes are most often the most explored ideas in literary work. There seems to continue a theme of love, reputation, and class. Motifs in a novel are a literary structure that continues to show up in the writings. Jane Austin shows this in the writing of the courtship between Darcy and Elizabeth and Bingley and Jane. Nearly every scene in the novel takes place indoors. This is significant, the reason that changes the scenes. Austin uses argument and persuasion through-out the read. NI states in the blog that in18th century histories that it was traditional to focus on marrying their children to the rich. We may know this tactic as traditional rhetoric to refer to this piece as means to persuade the reading audience (Sharkey, 2004). Social Journal in-The Sydney Morning Herald-Question 3 Related to society and culture in an Australian newspaper, this article appears in the paper to uncover different viewpoints and issues that appear in our society and the culture. This Analysis's is the presentation of facts as the author Jiayan NI sees them. NI uses a combination of deductive a nd inductive or formal and informal reasoning in the articles that he writes for the paper. Inductive and deductive reasoning gives the reason why he holds a particular view. Ni uses examples to his pieces that logically serve to lead to his paragraphs that contain explanations, comparisons, definitions and descriptions of the subject he is writing about (Sharkey, 2004). Carbon Tax in the Sydney newspaper-Question 4 Reported in the Sydney paper on May 16, 2011, the issue of Carbon Tax seems to be a hot topic. This case of carbon tax as written by NI contains logical fallacies. Fallacy in his case is often a minor one. However, NI assumes this tax will lead to the loss of jobs. Through this assumption, he believes that it will lend

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Response - Assignment Example integrate technology into daily wearables and intents to launch more of the tech-enhanced shirts at a time when every other person is exploring the domain of wearable tech. the shirt is to mark the company’s entry in the fast growing market segment of wearable technology and is projected to be a real game changer. In the High Line article, Jeremiah Moss analyses the impact of the park to its surroundings in terms of economic and development and transformation. Just a few years old the park had become necessary for shoppers, models, tourists and even socialites. It received 3.7 million visitors in 2011 alone and half of the visitors were from outside New York. The park has led to the birth of a corporate stretch on the West Side hence a complete make up of the neighborhoods. Prior to the redevelopment of High Line, properties in the area were under-valued by 8% as compared to median rates of Manhattan but now have gone up by 103%. This is now receiving mixed reactions as it seems to benefit the elites who can afford the new lifestyle of High Line at the expense of locals who are losing a lot of business to its

Letter & Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Letter & Memo - Essay Example Now don’t run away with the idea that this has to do with either hills or goats; you’d be surprised when I explain what it is- â€Å"Hillbilly Armor† seems to be a slang term that was often used by American troops during war time. This term is widely used by military personnel to describe the vehicle armor which was improvised when they were attacked and the vehicles got damaged. They used improvised material to make their vehicles stronger against the attacks. You can take our vehicle for an example! Such armor was also used during World War II. I am sure you too would have come across this phrase sometime and I would be happy to hear if you had any more information on this interesting phrase. The second interesting phrase which I am sure would come handy to you when we go on operation projects is a funny phrase called â€Å"Speaker Monkey†, the meaning of which I assure you has no connection to monkeys. I can see you smiling from ear to ear and its no wonder because it sounds quite funny. Have you heard of such a phrase? Though it does sound funny, being a speaker monkey is no laughing matter. Let me explain to you what a â€Å"Speaker Monkey† is – A â€Å"Speaker Monkey† is a person who is put in charge of using certain techniques that are vital during Psychological Operations (PSYOP, PSYOPS) These techniques are used not only by military personnel but also in the police force. Have you ever come across such a funny phrase? These people use these techniques while targeting a specific audience in order to influence their behavior and reasoning by playing on their emotions and feelings. Don’t you find these phrases interesting? Please try to collect some more information on this you come across and I would be glad to hear what you have to say. If you have any comments or queries, please do get back to me with them. Hi Everyone! The letter written and sent along with this memo was written to my friend Ram, a local national. Ram

Media Consumption in the Home Environment and Media Consumption in Essay

Media Consumption in the Home Environment and Media Consumption in other Contexts - Essay Example This is because home is seen as a place where individuals, more or less, strip off their social niceties and take up the appearance of what they really are and want to be. Home is seen as a relaxing environment as compared to the office or school. This â€Å"relaxing† environment in itself comes with certain advantages and disadvantages when it comes to media consumption. Home is the primary location for most of the media consumption in today’s technologically advanced world. As mentioned earlier, the two forms of media that have the most use are television and the internet. Out of these, according to a recent study, television is still the dominant media of consumption. (Crum, 2009) However, there has been a marked increase in the use of internet over the past few years. Media plays an extremely important role in our day-to-day life. It becomes a part of our routine without us even realizing it. It would not be wrong to say that we are tangled in a web of mass media, with no return. From television to internet to cell phones and radio, our life cannot seem to function without the use of media. The patterns of media consumption illustrate certain interesting aspects. Media viewing is seen as being determined by factors such as gender, leisure time and family orientation among others. Morley has talked about the ‘overall context of family leisure activity’ and how it affects media consumption. With regard to gender and patterns of media consumption, the most interesting case study was put forward by Bausinger. Whatever work that has been carried out in the field of gender politics with relation to media consumption is evidence of the societal norms and conditioning that human beings go through. The expectations of the society with a gender are taken at face value and followed for the rest of our lives, mostly. This is why even with regard to media consumption there is a distinct difference between gender attitudes towards media in a home environment.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Corporate Strategy Analyis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Strategy Analyis paper - Essay Example However, Jobs cannot be labeled as the easiest individual to deal with. In fact, it has been reported that he can often be quite difficult. His style is temperamental overall, and this can have an effect on the business overall. If the person everyone in the company looks to is often changing moods and demanding certain items, it can create a lot of overall stress in the workplace and in the company itself. This is not necessarily the best management model to enforce when wanting to get things done. However, it does appear to be the strategy most often used by Jobs. Some have claimed that Steve Jobs learned this aggressive and dominant type of management from his adoptive father, Paul Jobs. Paul Jobs has also been labeled as a dominant type of person. For instance, he worked for a finance company and collected on auto loans, sometimes using his own force to do so. He had been a large man, and he was also aggressive, so he had the right characteristics for this type of job. Steve Jobs, however, has had a very good overall vision for his company. He has wanted Apple’s products to be the leaders in the new technology age. He has had success doing this; for instance, with the introduction of the ipod and the iphone. He certainly has a strong focus on innovative technology, and this management style has ensured success in his company. However, whether or not the way he approaches â€Å"getting things done† is the best way to handle his employees is still up for some questioning and analysis. Another problem Jobs has had to face is his battle with pancreatic cancer. This affected him in 2004 when he underwent surgery, and it also appears to be coming back to haunt him once again. His health has been a primary concern in the Apple industry. Since Jobs has had many innovative ideas and has done a lot for the company, the concern for his health is apparent. However,

An experience that helped you discover a principle to live by Essay

An experience that helped you discover a principle to live by - Essay Example My parents could not give me all the caring and pampering that the children of well to do families used to get. The privileges of the rich children always irritated me as I was deprived of all such amenities. Actually, I was not finding fault with my parents through my resentment rather than cursing my fate. Despite having such hatred in my mind for being born in a lower middle class family, I was never ready to share my thoughts even with my best friends. It was at this stage Rose and I became friends. Rose was a cheering girl who never complained about anything. Everybody liked her character as she was very enthusiastic and happy always. I was proud of being her best friend. However, there was something strange with Rose, for she was repeatedly absent from school. One day, I happened to visit her home with my class teacher as Rose had been absent for several days. We were surprised to see Rose working in a nearby house for lower bucks. Rose’s father died when she was a little child. Thereafter it was her mother who lately fell sick brought her up. Rose and her mother lived in a little hut that was partly dilapidated and demolished. Rose had no alternative other than seeking a job to take up the responsibilities. We both were taken aback hearing the touching story of little Rose. I could not comprehend how Rose remained cheerful even at the adverse condition. I realized one thing that I was fairly wealthy when compared to Rose; however, it was pity that I always complained about my deprivation. Rose gave me a new outlook and taught me that happiness of life depends on how we perceive life experiences. One can either turn disheartened or find out new dimensions of true happiness by initiating responsibilities. Majority of people tend to assume the first option in times of unforeseen events. Rose dared accepting the latter one even at the younger ages. I realized that I had been competing with myself

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Asian Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Asian Americans - Essay Example This objective, however, proves a challenging initiative, burdened by the negative heritage of history and by existing cultural gaps. According to Jandt (2004) the Asian-Americans represent a diverse group of cultures and people from many countries - Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Pacific Island nations. Initially the US legislation excluded Chinese and other Asians from US citizenship (Jandt, 2004) and this governmental policy impaired the assimilation process of Asian subgroups at the very beginning. Asian-American's resistance to assimilation is a natural process. For one thing, it is visible in first generation immigrants who sometimes lack documentation (Wikipedia, 2006) and whose dreams about the bright future are not met by reality (Jandt, 2004). This disappointment leads to greater uncertainty, and avoidance of socialization. Additionally, language barriers impair the social status of the Asian-American group in USA. For example exactly because of language deficiencies Korean-Americans use English language that can be viewed as rude and exploiting by customers and employees (Jandt, 2004). This has lead to misinterpretation of Korean's behavior, hence to the isolation of the group by the American society and other subgroups. Further on, other behavioral patterns that are interpreted by other cultures differently hinder effective communication. For example, Korean-Americans are reluctant to develop friendships with strangers, regard inappropriate smiles as superficial (Jandt, 2004). Especially in the services sector, where communication with customers is critical, keeping such distance makes the Korean culture look confusing and inappropriate. Tradition that is visible in medicinal practices, rituals, clothing and other cultural tokens is another source for misinterpretation of culture (Jandt, 2004). While rituals and habits are regarded as healthy by one culture, the US culture may condemn them as inappropriate, unhealthy and even dangerous. There is the example of a Vietnamese father who treated his sick child, as per Vietnamese tradition, with coins rubbed in hot oil. The father was imprisoned and subsequently committed a suicide (Jandt, 2004). Such tragic incidents do not only prove the necessity for mutual understanding of group specifics, but lead to the presumption that at minimum partial assimilation is a natural process, whereby the smaller cultural group adopts the norms of the larger group. This is so because practices that are regarded as extreme and health damaging by the US culture are unlikely to be tolerated by people and legislative authorities and pressure is exercised to change those tokens that contradi ct common US norms. Today attitudes towards Asian Americans vary greatly. There is a common conception that Asian Americans have not faced racial discrimination as African Americans and Latinos (Wikipedia, 2006), but this idea is based on the fact that these immigrants do not report such incidents. As a result, even reported incidents do not receive adequate

Egyptian Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Egyptian Religion - Essay Example The people would revere the king as a person having a divine person. The king is also described as a human being. Also, the king is also depicted in movies and storybooks as a dictator king. The people bow down and obey his commands without hesitation. The following paragraphs explain the three interconnecting functions of the king or pharaoh. The king’s role in Egyptian religion is three -pronged. First, the king has a divine function. Second, the king is has a human form. Lastly, the king has an influential political role to implement on his subjects. First, the king has a divine function. The king is considered a god. The Egyptians were believed to have conceived the world as a social process that from dawn to dusk. The Egyptian king helps maintain the balance of the universe after its original maintainer was treacherously killed. The king is also helped by the Egyptian priests in the maintenance of a universe that moves in complete harmony. This theory of the delicate balance that the Egyptian universe hangs shows that the king plays a very precarious role indeed. The King’s power then extends beyond the horizon in Egypt because the sky also extends to the far reaches of the king of Egypt. The king is also called by such names as gods of the provinces, gods of the towns of the earth and other names (Quirke 70). As a god, the king grants prizes and rewards to his subjects that follow his every command.The book Ancient Egyptian Kings states that the kings were revered as gods through the construction of monuments like the landmark Pyramid. Egyptian society looked at the king as an elite member of society. Many quarters in Egypt even consider their king as more important than their gods in heaven. The country could not run without the king god ruling over them. In fact, the king is considered as the unifying apex of any dualities that form the Egyptian society. The king services as the mediator between the people and the Egyptians gods up in the sky. The king god of Egypt is replaced by heredity. This means that the next King -god must be the son of the current king. In addition, the god Horus was worshipped in Egypt by many people. The goddesses namely Wadjet and Buto, Saisin were linked to the Egyptian king (Baines, 100). The king gods were often helped by their temple priests.The king built temp les in the form of pyramids. And the province of Fayoum is one of the largest oases in Egypt. This is located Southwest of the Egyptian capital city of Cairo. The temple in antique for. "the kings of the 12th Dynasty (1991-1786 BC) chose to build their capital city here, and to be buried in pyramids built nearby, on the edge of the desert. Subsequently, priests and other personnel were employed in the pyramid temples, where the king's mortuary cult was performed after his death and burial. Around this nucleus, the community soon developed and lawyers, doctors, scribes, craftsmen, tradesmen and all the other elements of a thriving society came together.1" The above quote shows that a major portion of an ordinary Egyptian's life is spent constructing the pyramids. The pyramids have always caught the amazed and awe of its spectators. For, the ordinary people of today do not know how such a huge mammoth building was built with the primitive instruments that the Egyptians used during those time period. The pyramid is the resting place of the pharaoh or king when he dies. It has a locking mechanism so that no one can enter the tomb after the king is buried. For, this pyramid lock is used to prevent the looting of the treasures hidden inside the dead king's pyramid chamber. For."throughout the ages,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Topic of the week explain the development of self-concept, Coursework

Topic of the week explain the development of self-concept, self-esteem, and self efficacy - Coursework Example causes improved performance, or vice-versa† (1). In this regard, the discourse would initially differentiate and define the meanings of the abovementioned terms in conjunction with delving into a discussion to explain their development. Self-concept has been defined by Neill (2005) as â€Å"the nature and organization of beliefs about one's self.   Self-concept is theorized to be multi-dimensional† (1). The depiction that one conceptualizes on oneself is perceived to be one’s holistic understanding and knowledge of the self. Shivakumar (2009) acknowledged this concept as parallel with self-identity where distinct components of physical, social and psychological attributes compromise its existence (5). This concept is indicated to be learned, can be organized and experienced in its dynamic form. On the other hand, self- esteem is the term synonymous with feelings of self-worth and value. As averred by Shivakumar (2009), self-esteem â€Å"encompasses both beliefs and emotions† (34) where certain factors contribute to their development. Childhood experiences were noted to provide a crucial role in its development depending on the quality of events and learning potentials.

Nature of Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nature of Conflict - Essay Example This makes the employees enter into hitch with the management or higher officials. They may go on strikes or do other sorts of protests. Major conflicts occur when, for example, employees experience gender discrimination, work overload, forced overtime, short deadlines, and no opportunities for promotion, reward or compensation. These factors reduce job security and the employees suffer from work related stress. Other major causes may include dissatisfactory wages and salaries, and poor communication between the management and employees due to which the latter feel that their problems are not being considered. Also, when employees feel that they are not being able to participate in the decision-making process, they may acquire conflicting views about the project at hand. All of these conflicts may get serious enough to be requiring a mediation plan for resolution. No matter the conflict is small or big, the management should make serious efforts to resolve it as soon as possible so t hat employees do not lose their morale (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). Negotiation or Mediation Negotiation is necessary to solve conflicts. Sometimes, this negotiation is done through mediation. We define mediation as a process in which a third party intervention is sought for reconciliation between individuals or groups. The purpose of negotiation is to make possible the re-establishment of mutual tolerance between the parties involved. However, negotiation itself depends upon the friendly signals shown by the opponents leading to friendly re-union and cooperative bonding. Strasser and Randolph (2004, p.22) affirm that mediators should â€Å"accept conflict as an inescapable facet of human existence, with the possible consequence of reconciliation.† Negotiators and mediators should understand that conflict cannot be eliminated entirely. If negotiators start thinking that they will be able to eradicate conflict completely, then this perception will be a barrier to an effective impl ementation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process. It will also make the negotiators forceful and aggressive toward resolution. Thus, the negotiators need to adjust their behaviors and attitudes so that they can efficiently deploy conflict management techniques. Personal Experience This section of the paper describes my own case as an example of workplace conflict and negotiation process. I worked as an internee in a company in my city. As I stated, most conflicts occur due to unfair treatment or policy changes from the management side, this incident also involves a conflict between the manager and I. It was about the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). For reader’s information, the major responsibility of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is to make accommodations for disabled employees, under the title I of the Act. ADA makes sure that the disabled employees do not have to face discrimination by their seniors or co-workers when they are at the workplace. In order to get protection by ADA, the individual must have a disability which is defined by the Act as â€Å"a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities† (U.S. Department of Justice, 2005). All persons who have in their medical history that they have been or are going through such a disability, or people perceive him as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Multistate Regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multistate Regulation - Essay Example g practice is expanded on a daily basis through technology, and the new modalities in place that encourage the practice by nurses, wherever they are, or might go (Hann, 2007). This paper will examine the pros and cons of multistate regulation on the health care fraternity, and what it means to have rules in place to regulate the profession over state lines. Once one is a licensed medical practitioner, it is their right to practice their profession in any state they want to practice. This is one advantage brought on by the multistate regulation. If a medical practitioner is willing to conduct their business electronically, or physically, it is their right to do so, provided the licensing board in their state has approved of their practice (Hann, 2007). Also, if their practice is in agreement with the procedures and guidelines of the state in which they want to practice. Under mutual recognition, the multistate regulation ensures that medical practitioners may practice their profession across state lines (Hann, 2007). This is if there are no restrictions. Another advantage of the multistate regulation is the creation of diverse experiences. The nursing profession essentially benefits from the enhancement of opportunities created through regulation. It is imperative that medical practitioners get the exposure from different areas so as to bring diversification to the table. This is possible through multistate regulation policies. Health insurance companies are incurring tremendous losses as they tend to obey the different guidelines in the respective state (Milstead, 2013). This is a different scenario present, because, if these insurance companies would comply with a single regulatory body, it would be easier to conduct business. They would incur fewer costs by getting compliance from a single body, than multiple regulatory standards, which each state requires. The costs incurred drive up a company’s expenses, which are unnecessary. If the insurance companies

Management Accounting and Financial Accounting Essay Example for Free

Management Accounting and Financial Accounting Essay The differences between management accounting and financial accounting include:[1] 1. Management accounting provides information to people within an organization while financial accounting is mainly for those outside it, such as shareholders 2. Financial accounting is required by law while management accounting is not. Specific standards and formats may be required for statutory accounts such as in the I.A.S International Accounting Standard within Europe. 3. Financial accounting covers the entire organization while management accounting may be concerned with particular products or cost centres. Managerial accounting is used primarily by those within a company or organization. Reports can be generated for any period of time such as daily, weekly or monthly. Reports are considered to be future looking and have forecasting value to those within the company. Financial accounting is used primarily by those outside of a company or organization. Financial reports are usually created for a set period of time, such as a fiscal year or period. Financial reports are historically factual and have predictive value to those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a company. Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an organization. These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision making. Such reports may include: * Sales Forecasting reports * Budget analysis and comparative analysis * Feasibility studies * Merger and consolidation reports Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and stability. Reports of this nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as the shareholders, the banks and the creditors.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Techniques of Research in Health Essay Example for Free

Techniques of Research in Health Essay STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Immigrants to the United States represent a substantial and rapidly growing group that totaled more than forty-three million people or 13.5 percent of the U.S population in 2015 (Migration Policy institute (MPI), 2015). Since 1970, this percentage has almost tripled rising from 4.7% of the population to the current 13.5% in 2015 and shows no signs of decreasing (MPI Immigration over time 1850-2015). The inflow of immigrants even into smaller states is having a profound effect on a growing number of local communities as immigrants settle in non-traditional destinations like Minnesota and North Dakota. States that had relatively low percentages of immigrants are seeing these populations grow by big margins up to 90 percent in some cases  (Derose, K. et al, 2007). The make-up of this immigrant population is diverse, for instance, India was the leading country of origin for recent immigrants, with 179,800 arriving in 2015, followed by 143,200 from China, 139,400 from Mexico, 47,500 from the Philippines, and 46,800 from Canada. In 2013, India and China overtook Mexico as the top origin countries for recent arrivals. While Minnesota still has proportionally fewer immigrants than the U.S. as a whole with 8.3% of its population being immigrants compared to 13.5% nationally, the state’s foreign-born population is actually increasing faster than the national average. (Immigration Overview Minnesota Compass)In Minnesota, the number of immigrants has tripled since 1990, but nationally it only doubled. Immigrants are among the fastest growing populations in Minnesota, growing by 76 percent since 2000, compared with a 12 percent growth rate for the states population overall. This translates to around 457,000 Minnesota residents who are foreign-born by the end of 2015, including many refugees who fled their home countries. Over 80% of these immigrant groups are concentrated in the 7-county twin cities metro area. (Immigration Overview Minnesota Compass) Immigrants are often identified  as a vulnerable population, that is, a group at increased risk for poor physical, psychological, and social health outcomes and inadequate health care. The vulnerability is shaped by many factors, including political and social marginalization and a lack of socioeconomic and societal resources. Addressing the health care needs of immigrant populations is challenging both because of the heterogeneity of this group and because recent federal and state policies have restricted some immigrants’ access to health care. These policies have exacerbated existing differences in access, for example, legal residents versus undocumented and long-term residents versus recent arrivals. The stigma associated with some forms of immigration status; for example, undocumented versus refugee, can also contribute to vulnerability. ( Given immigrant’s concentration in the 7-county twin cities metro area, a major public health concern is their access to health services. At present in the United States, health insurance is the best way to ensure access to health care. A key provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the requirement that private insurance plans cover recommended preventive services without any patient cost-sharing. This provision is important because it increases access to preventive healthcare by lowering costs and eliminating some costs. According to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, uninsured individuals are less likely to receive preventive care or care for routine medical conditions and injuries. Lack of preventive health care and lack of treatment for medical conditions can lead to more serious illnesses and health problems. This, in turn, can result in hospitalizations and deaths that could have been prevented. (Health Key Measures Minnesota Compass). As these Immigrant groups assimilate and acclimatize into the system, the issue of Immigrant access to health care falls off as they begin to work and can gain access to health insurance through their employers. Existing literature suggests that there is a disparity in the utilization of healthcare in general and even preventive health care. Statement of the problem Preventive care includes health services like screenings, check-ups, and patient counseling that are used to prevent illnesses, disease, and other health problems, or to detect illness at an early stage when treatment is likely to work best. Getting recommended preventive services and making healthy lifestyle choices are key steps to good health and well-being. The existing literature on preventive care tends to focus on access to these procedures and even those few that are focused on utilization are mainly leaning towards individuals already diagnosed with specific disease states such as diabetes. However, since preventive care utilization recommendations are intended for all eligible individuals, it would seem more appropriate to apply a broader view on the use of preventive care services among healthy, disease-free individuals. (Prevention | Office of the Associate Director for Policy | CDC) The significance of the problem The purpose of this study is to analyze trends in the utilization of preventive care services among eligible immigrant groups in the twin cities area and comparing it to that of the non-immigrant population. Findings from this study will assist in identifying subpopulations that are not utilizing preventive care services adequately, thereby increasing their risk for developing chronic conditions. Taking a broad approach through predicting the use of preventive care services for all eligible individuals will draw the attention of policymakers towards individuals less likely to use health promotion and prevention services, and thus enable appropriate health care intervention recommendations. Research questions This study will seek to answer the following research questions: What are the rates of utilization of preventive health care among these different immigrant subgroups in the twin cities? What is the rate of utilization of preventive health care among the non-immigrant population in the twin cities? What are the differences or similarities in preventive healthcare utilization rates among the different subgroups and the non-immigrant population? Assumptions The study assumes that all participants will answer truthfully to all the questions, to this end, all participants are informed of their anonymity and confidentiality that will be preserved. The participants are informed about their right to withdraw from the study at any time and with no ramifications. Limitations This study depends on self-reports of participants, it is possible for participants to provide answers that they deem to be socially acceptable even if not true. The interviewer will prod for more accurate answers by trying to reformulate the question where they believe this to be the case. Access to these subgroups is dependent on social contacts information and although helpful, it may not be representative of the subgroups. A profile of each subgroup can help eliminate potential variations created by this limitation. This study also designates a geographical region, the 7-county twin cities metro area. The study assumes that the sample in the metro is representative of those in the greater Minnesota. Given the cultural heterogeneity of the participants, the researcher may not be culturally competent in the different cultures and may have to depend on a guidance from social contacts. The time needed to conduct this study is limited and therefore requires a limited sample size. Delimitations Focus on Immigrant groups in the twin cities metro area provide convenience in location of residence and the concentration of immigrants as opposed to those living in the greater Minnesota. Some immigrant groups originate from areas where healthy practices are automatically built into their lifestyles. For instance, if you cannot afford to buy a vehicle, then you will have to walk to and from the nearest means of public transportation. Likewise, some immigrant groups do not go to visit a doctor or a hospital unless they are unwell. These differences inspired the focus on gauging utilization of preventive health care services. The sample size will be determined by the subgroups population proportion to the population of Minnesota. This research will focus on adults with health insurance; this is so as to eliminate access to preventive health procedures as a variable in the study. Definition of terms Preventive healthcare: Health procedures including screenings, immunizations, and counseling. The study will select six overall procedures two from each category. Utilization: The measure of the populations use of the health care services available to them. The term immigrants also are known as the foreign born refers to people residing in the United States who were not U.S. citizens at birth. This population includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, certain legal nonimmigrants like persons on student or work visas, those admitted under refugee or asylee status.( U.S. Immigrant Population and Share over Time, 1850 ) References: Derose  KP,  Escarce  J,  Lurie  N.  Immigrants and health care: sources of vulnerability.  Health Aff.  2007;26(5):1258–1268. Migration Policy Institute (MPI) tabulation of data from U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2015 American Community Surveys (ACS), and 1970, 1990, and 2000 Decennial Census. All other data are from Campbell J. Gibson and Emily Lennon, Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 1990 (Working Paper no. 29., U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC, 1999). U.S Census Bureau, Selected Characteristics of the Native and Foreign-Born Populations: 2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates L.J. Larsen, â€Å"The Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2003,† Current Population Reports no. P20-551, August 2004, Fuseya, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Takahashi, T., Naito, D., Shima, K., Takahashi, K., Sakai, N. (2016). A62 CLINICAL ASPECTS OF CAP, HCAP, HAP, AND VAP: Social Factors On Hospitalization Period Of Elderly Patients With Pneumonia In Japan. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193, 1.

An organisations process

An organisations process Introduction Strategic planning is an organisations process of defining its corporate strategy, making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue its strategy, including its capital and human resources. In this modern and competitive era growing business, means taking timely, quick and accurate decisions about the way we want to grow our business. As an organisation grows, it becomes more and more complex for management to control. In this case, strategic planning is the key component for all type of organisations, which help them to keep on track. All organisations depend on strategic plan to keep the long-term focus synced up with day-to-day decision-making. From Board level to front line staff, everyone is aligned with the organisations strategy and vision. Because it is a road map to lead organisation from where it is now to where it would like to be in future. It is very important for management that they make sure, that all those who involved in any activity are clear about what that o rganisation is looking to achieve and how they are planning to do it. The main source of information is included from official websites and reports published by companies. Moreover, references from different books, published journals articles, research reports and internet have been used to support the arguments. Critical Analysis of Strategic Planning of Primark Company profile Primark is an Irish clothing retailer. It opened its first store in Dublin in 1969 under the name of Penneys. The company head office is based In Dublin, and operates 193 stores in Ireland, UK and other European countries. Primark is a subsidiary of Associated British Foods Plc (ABF) and positions itself as marketing (selling) fashionable clothing at cheap prices, targeting women, men, children and supply home decoration goods. Primark aim is to focus on latest fashions and sell to its customers with the variety of design at affordable prices. Primark mission statement is to provide customers with high quality, fashion basis at value for money prices (Primark 2009). Critical Analysis of Primark According to clothing market review 2008, the United Kingdom retail clothing market was worth  £42.45 billions in 2007. It account for almost 6% of total consumer spending which is lowest proportion in the history of UK. The reasons for decline in market were the declining prices and intense competition in the industry. Survey also shows that the cheap clothing market consumers will increase in the future and there is no sign of growth in market value over the next five years (Market Report 2008). Primark face intense competition due to number of competitors (Appendix 1). According to Bowmans Strategic Clock (1996), Primark is position itself in competitive environment at low price in his strategic clock (Appendix 2). This strategy helps Primark to analysis it competitive position in other competitors. Primark is fashion conscious targeting under 35s with the slogan Look good pay less at Primark. It offers good quality fashion clothes at very competitive prices. According to Porter Generic Strategies (1980) Primark is following cost leadership Strategy in retail clothing market. The success of this strategy is based on access to cheap resources and buying in bulk. Michael Porters Five Forces (1979) Model of competitive position helps Primark to analyse its competitive position in the industry. Cost leadership strategy helps Primark to create barrier for new entrant to sell same products at lower price. Primark imports from Asian countries where cost of production is very low and buying in bulks help Primark to improve its Bargaining power. On the other hands, bargaining power of the customers is not very strong because no other retailer is selling trendy and fashionable products at such a low price. So all this help and provide a platform to Primark for expansion both gaining market share and entering into new markets. PEST analysis can be used to examine the factors affecting on Primarks external Environment. All four factors have a considerable impact on Primarks environment. Political factors such as labour law, environmental, trade restrictions, tariffs, tax policy restrict Primark to operate within the limits. Economic factors such as interest rate, inflation rate, exchange rate, economic growth and disposal income affect Primark business operation and day-to-day decision-making. Social and cultural factors help Primark to take into account trends, fashion, growth rate in population, age, gender etc. Finally, technological factors helped Primark to reduce cost, improve quality and lead to innovation. In UK, clothing market is very competitive and credit crunch made it worse. Primark is the only clothing retailer who gets benefit from credit crunch. According to Igor Ansoff (1957), Primark is penetrating the clothing market to targeting competitors customers and retaining existing customers. Sean Poulter (2008) report says, Primark sales rose over 25% in 2008 and gave Primark overall 10% market share of UK clothing industry. It made second biggest seller after MS (12% Market Share). Primark has a very clear market positioning at the cheap end of the market. For Primark internal environmental analysis, SWOT analysis is used to assess Primarks internal capabilities, core competences while threats and opportunities assess external environmental factors. Primark SWOT analysis is shown in appendix 3. Critical Analysis of Strategic Planning of Woolworths Group Plc Company Profile F.W. Woolworths Company founded Woolworths in UK in 1909. In 1982 it was acquired by Paternoster Stores ltd, the subsidiary of Kingfisher Plc. Woolworths Group Plc was formed by the demerger of Kingfisher and began trading as listed company in August 2001. It inherited a mountain of  £200 million debts, and costly lease agreements. Right from the beginning, it sold a variety of goods such as childrens clothes, toys, stationery, electronic goods and confectionery. Pic n mix sweets and Woolworths have always gone together until went into administration. In first four years company really took off but after 2005 it faced constant decline in business and finally it went into administration on 27 January 2009 (Times Online 2008). This company was one of the biggest victims of recession. Mission and Vision Woolworths mission was to be at the heart of the community and the best loved retailer for kids, home and family leisure. Vision was to provide quality products and services to customer all the time through price strategies Elrico (2002). Critical Analysis of Woolworths Group Plc My aim is to analyse strategic planning process of Woolworths to analyse past seven years performance by using various strategic tools. Woolworths performance has been variable over the past few years and in 2005 private equity group Apax made a takeover bid, which was rejected by the board, and four weeks later they received another offer and it made Woolies future uncertain in retail sector. Strategic planning is usually begins with external environmental analysis of the organisation. Competitors are the primary external consideration for strategic planning. For Woolworths Porter Five Forces (1979) can be used to analyse external environment. Woolworths failed to respond the threats of it competitors. They never made any strategy to build barrier for competitors such as ASDA, Tesco, Argos, Discount Stores etc. Its management always depend upon advertisement and customers loyalty. Perfect competition brought more choices for customers and due to intense competition (Rivalry) in the industry, profit squeezed and market demand saturated. Woolworths customers switched to its competitors. Woolworths faced huge problems with suppliers in last couple of year of trading and they forced to pay cash at the time of purchases because of lack of security. According to Michael porters (1980) Generic Strategies to obtain competitive advantages, organisation must have one of the following strategies: Cost Leadership strategy Differentiation strategy Focus strategy Woolworth get stuck in the middle without having any competitive strategy as a result competitors (ASDA, Argos etc) took advantages of that and stole all customers form it. They never released the importance of competitive strategy and had growth strategy to compete with competitors by opening new stores in different parts of the country. According to Igor Ansoff (1957), Woolworths had Market development strategy to target new customers. Woolworths internal environmental analysis, SWOT analysis is the best tool, which can be use measure internal and external factors that affected on its strategic planning. Internal analysis examines Woolworths capabilities and external analysis examines factors that bring opportunities and threats (Appendix 4). Comparison of Strategic Planning of both organisations In the highly competitive environment in which all UK retailers are in war to sustain their position against competitors in this recession, Primark is doing remarkably well. The key of success in based on its well-planned strategies that evaluate internal and external factors that affect on it environment. On the other hands, Woolworths group Plc failed because, they were never thought about any strategy that gave them competitive advantages over any of its competitor. People and media said that Woolworths was the victim of recession but I would say it was the victim of bad management. My aim is to compare and contrast the strategic planning of both organisations. For this purpose, I have discussed few strategic planning models in critical analysis and now I am going to compare them and find out the reasons of success and failure. Pricing (Competitive) Strategy According to Michael Porter (1980) to get competitive advantages organisation must follow one of its generic strategies. Primark slogan is look good pay less, means cost leadership strategy. Cost leadership strategy does not mean low prices but it lead to emphasize on efficiency by reducing cost in all departments. This strategy gave competitive edge to Primark over it competitors. According to Jonathan Prynn (2009), Primark has boomed in the recession with the British biggest discount clothes chain unveiled big increase in revenue and profits. Primark revenues increased from  £1.17bn in 2007 to  £1.6bn in 2008 and it jumped to  £2.31bn in 2009. On the other hand, Woolworths was trading without having any competitive strategy, which help its management to focus on the ways in which it can achieve the competitive position in the retail industry. Its revenue declined since 2004 and in final year of trading, Woolworths announced pre-tax loss of  £99.7m for the first six months. This is just because of Woolworths was stuck in the middle of competitive strategies for long time and management was not sure what price they charge to customers for particular products. Woolworths products were comparatively expensive than its competitors and customers realised their products are not good quality compare to the prices Woolworths charged. Affects of competition Competitors are the real enemies for all organisations. Successful organisation always makes plans ahead to avoid the consequence of any threat from its competitors. Both organisations operate in highly competitive environment. Competitor analysis is very important for both organisations strategic planning. Sometimes organisations think that they are doing well and it is best to carry on with their plans and other become obsessed with monitoring every action of competitors. Woolworths Group Plc was well aware about competition. In Woolworths financial reports 2008, directors mentioned competition is a big risk for Woolworths but they did not come up with any strategy (carry on their own plans) that help Woolworths to maintain and improve it competitive position in the market. They lost most of there business to competitors. In clothing retail industry, Primark is also facing intense competition. Most of Primarks competitors hold same percentage of market share as Primark have. Nowada ys fashion has become disposable and to avoid competition Primark has led fast fashion revolution at lowest prices taking the fast fashion retail industry into new era. I would say Primark has emerged as the McDonalds of the fast fashion retail industry. Customers Analysis Customers analysis is an operative tool, which helps organisations to understand the specific customers demand, preferences and loyalty to the organisation. To keep competitive in todays environment, organisations need to take an in depth look at customers to explore and identify opportunities and threats. I would say Primark is the market leader to understand customers demand and response quickly to the fast fashion requirements of customers. Primarks time-to-market has been very fast, both in terms of copying designs rapidly after they come out in terms of getting the new stock into their stores while items are still hot' (R. M Grant, Blackwell 2009). New style, quality and low prices keep customers coming in and encourage them to come back again. All these help Primark to increase its market share and revenue. On the other side of the picture, Woolworths failed to focus on what they were good at, to sell to there customers and failed to identify their core products and customers. From customers point of view, Woolworths was a complete mish mash with hundreds different types of products, but low product ranges. As a result, Woolworths did not have enough selection of any product to attract customers (John McMillan 2008). All these factors forced customers to switch to Woolworths competitors. Marketing issues Organisations used marketing tools to create, keep and satisfy customers needs and demands. To get competitive advantages in the target market organisations use segmentation, targeting and positioning tools. These tools help organisations to differentiate there goods and services from their competitors. Market Segmentation and targeting Market segmentation help organisation to split customers or potential customers into different groups. Primark segments it customers on socio-economic (disposable income) and demographic (age, gender, lifestyle) bases. Robert Stockdill (2007) says in his report, Primarks target customer is young, fashion conscious and under 35 years old. So like many other retailers chasing that demographic or the broader value end of the market, Primark is now targeting a four to six week turnaround from design to shelf, sourcing primarily from Asia. Primark also target low-income group who have less disposable income to spend on latest fashion. Woolworths was also segmented its customers on demographic bases but there aim was to target all customer in the market. They never identified their target customer, market and which income group they were targeting. Market Positioning In market positioning, my aim is to create an image in the target market for both organisations, their products, and brands. Primark is known as cost leadership retailer in the market, which has over fifteen own brands (Appendix 5). Customers think that Primarks products are good value for money. Woolworths also had very rich and successful long history with the number of brands such as Chad Valley, Ladybird, Winfield and Worthit etc. Form customers point of view both organisations market-positioning image can be mapped in the following Bowmans Strategic Clock (1996); Business Seasonality Most organisations are affected by the fluctuation in business activity at different part of the year. According to directors 2008 report, Woolworths was highly seasonal business. Most of its revenue, profit, and cash flow have been come from Christmas season. Lower than expected performance in the Christmas period may have adverse impact on overall Woolworths results. It happened continuously after 2004 with Woolworths and it performance was very unstable un-till it went into administration. Woolworths never made any strategy to avoid adverse affects of Christmas sales. Primark business is all four seasons. Although most of its sales come from Christmas season but other three seasons of the year its make good profit. According to (James Hall 2009) report, Primark total revenue reaches it highest level of  £1 billion in first six months of trading, which is 18 % more than last year. Primark is the only largest fashion retailers around the world, who produce solid performance in cre dit crisis due to strong strategic planning. Conclusion Strategic planning is directional map, key instrument for strategic management for deciding where their company is headed and how they are planning to get there. Strategic planning is known as a process of defining strategy and making decisions on allocation of organisation resources to pursue strategy. It is a dynamic tool of continuously looking at organisational current position, examine and plotting future move. All this need in-depth knowledge and understanding about organisation and its internal and external environment in that operates in. the best organisations like Primark always engaged in some form of strategic planning to keep themselves update about internal and external environmental factors. Based on my detailed strategic planning analysis of Primark, i would say that Primark has comprehensive strategy planning, which considers all-important factors that affects on its business environment. From my above research, I conclude that, there are number of reasons behind Primark success. Firstly, they understand customers specific requirements and always come up with the solution of latest fashion at low price. Secondly, Primark has a very clear market position at the cheap end of the market and target customers who have low disposal income and fashion conscious. All this gave Primark competitive advantage over its competitors. Third, Primark has access to cheap resources and has very tight control over costs, which help them to increase profitability. Many people say Woolworths was the victim of credit crises. Other says Woolworths faced financial pressures (received over  £200 million debts in inherent and seasonal business crises) and severe competition from day one, so that is why it failed to survive. From my above discussion and analysis, I conclude that Woolworths was the victim of bad management and poor strategy planning. From my above discussion, I have mentioned several reasons of Woolworths failure. Woolworths completely failed to respond the threats of competitors, new technologies, customers buying patterns and target market. The world change very fast in 21st century and strategy worked in 1990s does not work today. Woolworths was keeping the old fashion strategy and planning to run business successfully in 21st century, where yesterdays strategy could be out date today. World has become global village and customers have many choices to buy products from any were in the world through internet. Ignorance of all thes e external factors have leads Woolies to lose their business to competitors. Finally I would say the key of success is to do few things right like Primark, not 100s things badly like Woolworths, keep ears and eyes open, monitor your internal and external environment, and response best to the threats and convert into opportunities. 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