Sunday, May 24, 2020

Application And Understanding Of Economics - 886 Words

One requirement for any student taking a microeconomics class is to complete an end-of-the-semester writing assignment. This assignment asks students to find five different articles from recent news and analyze them in accordance with the various microeconomics topics discussed over the course of the semester. This writing assignment in particular does not necessarily challenge the art of writing, but rather, challenges the application and understanding of economics. Yes, writing is a key component in the assignment, but the professor does not what the students’ focuses to be on argumentative strength or in depth writing. Rather, the professor seeks that students grasp the somewhat complicated nature of economics, more specifically those relating to kairotic events in the field, and be able to relay that in analytical writing. One of the greatest challenges of this assignment will be for students to analyze and relate the event and information back to their own lives. For one, the students will have to be knowledgeable enough in the topics discussed in class. For the most part, the concepts aren’t hard to grasp, but being able to analyze them in a way not strictly given to them might prove to be difficult. One important criteria of the assignment, is that all of the articles chosen must be related to one of the indicated microeconomics topics and all articles must relate to different topics. This is to expand the students’ knowledges of understanding of the many differentShow MoreRelatedThe, A Fusion Of Animal And Machine1707 Words   |  7 Pageshuman beings into mechanical systems† (2012). Following Haraway’s claim, I am a cyborg when I use technology, and more specifically when I use the social media application Instagram. Instagram is a social networking application made for connecting users through sharing photos and videos. Similarly, to other social networking applications, users make an account and from there can post pictures to share with â€Å"followers†. On the surface Instagram is a fun way to interact with others, however on a deeperRead MoreThe Relevance Of Translational Research1555 Words   |  7 Pagesvery well the problem gap that is between research and practice, that is, to act upon something without having knowledge and understanding is a lost cause and to have knowledge without acting upon it is a waste of resourcefulness. The aim of translational research is to bridge the gap between what we have discovered in basic science and implement them into clinical application to improve human condition. It must be said that translational research is bidirectional so it facilitates work from one endRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Stiglitz A Recipient Of The Nobel Prize Economics, And Andrew Charlton930 Words   |  4 PagesStiglit z, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and Andrew Charlton, a fellow economist, propose a new, radical solution to world trade problems – a solution that brings equilibrium to the trading relationships between the poorest and richest countries. The book contains an in-depth, college level understanding of fair trade and its theoretical applications on third world countries. With regards to theoretical applications, the book elaborates on the proposal, which is fair trade, and howRead MoreNon Potable Water Wastewater Water Reuse947 Words   |  4 Pagesgroundwater aquifer for assimilation and withdrawal from downstream. On the international scale, direct non-potable water reuse is currently the dominant mode for supplementing public water supplies for irrigation and other applications, which includes all reuse applications that do not involve either indirect or direct potable use. On the other hand, indirect potable waste water reuse, through waste water effluent dis posal to streams, rivers, and groundwater basins has been an accepted practiceRead MoreReflection on Microeconomics Class998 Words   |  4 PagesReflection on Microeconomics Class Microeconomics is the economic influences that impact at the micro, or firm, rather than macro level. The study of this subject is one that is highly valuable for any studying business with the provision of knowledge that will increase understanding of different influences and support the decision making processes. With the knowledge gained, along with the skills in applying that knowledge developed through class work and exercises for the different modules,Read MoreHow Has Psychological Science Developed Throughout History?What1532 Words   |  7 Pages Health psychology a field developed in the late 1970’s is an application of psychology that helps individuals understand the biological, social and psychological factors that influence diseases. First, this essay discusses a historical view of health the biomedical model to biopsychosocial model. Second, it examines the effects of the development of health. Lastly, indicating outcomes that have advanced as a result of an app lication of current models of health that help patients cope with illnessesRead MoreImplementation Of A Strategic Management System835 Words   |  4 Pagesframework focuses on economic activity (very close to the traditional accounting view) whereas the balanced scorecard goes beyond economic information to include external information not directly tied to economic events and strategic initiatives. By extending the REA framework financial (traditional accounting information) and nonfinancial information (included in the balanced scorecard) can be tightly integrated. The extended conceptual model furthers the REA ontology and its applications. Purpose/MotivationRead MoreNational Culture And Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting1676 Words   |  7 PagesEditor Business Ethics: A European Review Reviewer 1 The relationship between national culture and sustainability reporting is an important topic. Unfortunately, the approach adopted by the Authors seems to be not so appropriate. In fact, the application level mechanism introduced by GRI in the G3/G3.1 Guidelines was quite questionable and led to misleading practices and declarations. In particular, a ‘Level A’ reporting is not, by definition, a better report and more information does not meanRead MoreHistory of Statistics1100 Words   |  5 PagesThe  history of statistics  can be said to start around 1749 although, over time, there have been changes to the interpretation of the word  statistics. By the 18th century, the term statistics designated the  systematic collection  ofdemographic  and  economic  data by states. In the early 19th century, the meaning of statistics broadened to include the discipline concerned with the collection, summary, and analysis of data. Today statistics is widely employed in government, business, and all the sciencesRead MoreTheory of Marxism and Sports849 Words   |  4 Pagesworld. In fact, it is used moer than any other social theory. His t houghts have been used for for diffent political, military, and academic views and studies. Karl marx lived from 1813-1883 in Germany. His theory covers the culture, politics, economics and industrialization of his time. He called the leading role of the social parts of each individual societies superstructures. In Marx s eyes there were two classes: The Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. The upper class, more wealthy, Bourgeoisie

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Monsters of Greco-Roman Myth Essay - 1478 Words

Monsters of Greco-Roman Myth To have a hero there must be a monster to vanquish. Monsters in Greco-Roman mythology are often portrayed as: irrational, nearly impossible to communicate with, often a compound of animal parts or some form of mutation, and are set upon human destruction. â€Å"Monsters in the language of mythology were beings of unnatural proportions or parts, usually regarded with terror, as possessing immense strength and ferocity, which they employed for the injury and annoyance of men† (Bullfinch Pg. 143). Mythological monsters are a way for man to explain what he doesn’t understand. They are an attempt to explain ‘why’ to things such as: storms, droughts and other unseasonable weather, unexplained deaths, birth†¦show more content†¦From Babylon, Marduk, Ea made Marduk a double god so that he would surpass all the other gods in form and in strength. Four sparkling eyes shone forth from Marduk’s face, enabling him to see everything, and four large ears extended outward, enabling him to hear everything. Whenever Marduk moved his lips, fire blazed fourth from his mouth† (Rosenberg 7). For Eastern cultures multiple body parts such as eyes and limbs was something to be worshiped. Greco-Roman culture turned these attributes into mutations. Having excessive or less than a normal amount of body parts was a deformity, something to be feared and loathed. Egyptian gods such as Horus and Anubis had an appearance part human and part animal. For the Greeks it appears they were transformed into fearsome beasts such as the Minotaur, â€Å"[†¦] the Minotaur, a monster with a bull’s body and a human head. It was exceedingly strong and fierce and was kept in a labyrinth constructed by Daedalus, so artfully contrived that whoever was enclosed in it could by no means find his way out unassisted. Here the Minotaur roamed, and was fed with human victims† (Bullfinch 181). The Babylonians took the Sumerian’s nurturing mother goddess, Tiamat, â€Å"Mother Tiamat personified and ruled the salt waters† (Rosenberg 6) and turned her into an irrational and enraged creature and Marduk vanquished her. Similarly theShow MoreRelatedPower Structures in Greek History1788 Words   |  8 Pages[Class] 03 August 2010 Power Structures in Greco-Roman Mythology: The Power and the Powerless of Women Introduction Greco-Roman mythology is rich in names, characters, and events. Dozens of gods, goddesses, and mortal women and men participate in a variety of activities that reflect or exemplify behaviors and power relations in Greek and Roman societies. A wealth of literature was written about the relationships between mortals and immortals in Greco-Roman mythology. Much was written and said aboutRead MoreCreation Myths of Ancient Greco-Roman and Hebrew Cultures.3330 Words   |  14 PagesMarch 2014 Creation Myths of Ancient Greco-Roman and Hebrew Cultures. Ancient Creation myths are similar but at the same time are still very different. What is a myth? A myth refers to a fiction story or only half true story. What makes up a myth? It has several different characteristics that make it different from other types of stories. Ancient Greco-Roman myths are interesting because they talk about another religion and how they are being reflected. Hebrew creation myths are also interestingRead MoreTruth of Illusion: The Purpose of Myths749 Words   |  3 Pagescivilization as we know it, humanity has formed myths and legends to explain the natural world around them. Whether it is of Zeus and Hera or Izanami-no-Mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto, every civilization and culture upon this world has its own mythos. However, the age of myth is waning as it is overshadowed in this modern era by fundamental religion and empirical science. The word myth has come to connote blatant falsehood; however, it was not always so. Our myths have reflected both th e society and valuesRead MoreThe Odyssey : The Aeneid And The Odyssey1075 Words   |  5 Pagesaspects of the idealized hero in Roman and Greek culture. We must first start by discussing who Virgil and Homer were and the societies they came from. Publius Vergilius Maro was born in Andes, a village near Mantua in Cisalpine Gaul, in 70 b.c.e. He was born into a peasant farming family and the Italian countryside its people influenced and was reflected through his poetry. Virgil received his education at Cremona in Milan and Rome where he studied Greek and Roman authors and poets [2]. 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These myths began as oral tales passed from one generation to the next, which were eventually written down. It is interesting that the way they are written down reflects the oral nature of the original versions--a storyteller telling a story to an audience. ItRead MoreJohn Milton s Paradise Lost2283 Words   |  10 Pagesheart of a culture’s history, traditions, and beliefs is to look into the stories they tell, the legends and myths they pass down to their young. This is because storytelling has been a tradition of humanity since time immemorial, and has been the only way of passing culture on to future generations for millennia. From this tradition, the Epic arose, tales of mighty heroes, gods, and monsters, told in the form of poems to convey ideals, beliefs, and traditions. Hundreds of Epics have been written,Read MoreBirthstones9275 Words   |  38 Pagesback to the breastplate of Aaron which contained twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The current list dates back to 1912 with only one addition since then – the tanzanite was added to December. There are numerous legends and myths about birthstone healing powers and their therapeutic influence. According to these legends, wearing a gemstone during its assigned month heightened its healing powers. For the full effect, individuals needed to own all twelve and alternate them monthlyRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesStreet Journal or the New York Times—or be posted on executive-search firm Web sites.15 On the other hand, advertisements of lower-level jobs usually appear in local daily newspapers, regional trade journals, or on broad-based Internet job sites like Monster, CareerBuilder, Yahoo HotJobs, and Craigslist. Three important variables influence the response rate to advertisements: identification of the organization, labor market conditions, and the degree to which the advertisement includes specific requirements

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Analysis Of Gerald Finzi s Beethoven Symphony Essay

One misunderstanding of Finzi’s style to those reflecting on his music, was that he refused to use higher dissonant notes, which was a component in twentieth-century music. This is a way that people recognized Finzi’s work because he kept his options open with new possibilities, but restricted himself from specific rules. For example, â€Å"a dominant seventh chord in a motet by Byrd is as dissonant in its context as the opening chord of the finale of Beethoven’s ninth symphony.† In other words, those characteristics were prominent in determining pieces by other composers, such that small notation was recognizable for Finzi’s work. Compositions Subsequently, Gerald Finzi’s musical compositions gathered much fame, but in a rare storyline. Throughout his life, only two of Finzi’s pieces were physically made. Dies natalis, and White-flowering days are the pieces Finzi composed. Furthermore, he was not encouraged to record his compositions, he was only interactive in conducting his own music in concerts and broadcasts. During the 1939-1945 war, his musical talent was surpassed for the moment being. Finzi continued to develop as he felt more intentions for his musical skills when observing the new characteristics of his country during the war. Although he continued to compose, a majority of his music was not yet recorded until after his death. An example would be a clarinet concerto, Five Bagatelles, which was written during the war to portray the passing moments during his

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Correlation Between Stress And Adolescent Suicide

There is a high rate of adolescent suicide with the cause being undetermined. The purpose of this paper is to determine if there is a correlation between stress and adolescent suicide. Stress is a state of mental or emotional tension resulting from demanding circumstance; it can affect an individual’s body and mind, which can eventually lead to a mental breakdown. Literature review and qualitative research was the method use to formulate this paper. Based on the results, it is determined that stress- although significant, is not the primary cause of suicide. Furthermore, with diagnosis and proper treatment suicide can be prevented. Is stress the cause of high suicide rates among adolescents. Suicide prevalence is on the rise amongst adolescents and young adults. It is the third leading cause of death for individuals from age 15-24. It is believed that on average, one suicide occurs every 17 minutes and a young person dies by suicide every 2 hours and 12 minutes (Caruso, 2004, p. 11). It is hard for one to believe that life’s demands, problems and hassles could have such an impact on adolescents. Some adolescents are really hard on themselves to the point that they don’t know how to have fun. Adolescents should be enjoying their youth, doing the things that teenagers do, but in today’s society, even those things that should be fun and enjoyable are stressful. In my opinion, adolescents sometimes take on the pressures and expectations of others which canShow MoreRelatedTheories About Perfectionism And Suicidal Ideation, And Its Dimensions On Depressed Adolescent Patients1334 Words   |  6 Pagesdepressed adolescent patients. According to this article , we could say that researchers used for this study correlational method, which comprises sample data based on five independent variables such as perfectionism, stress, daily hassles, hopelessness, and suicide potential. The sample data consisted of 55 adolescents, who completed the procedures which have been associated with some indices of life stress, hopelessness, and one of the main problems of adolescence which is suicide ideationRead MoreEssay On Teen Suicide1235 Words   |  5 Pages† offer little comfort, and even less hope to those considering suicide. Amongst U.S teens, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death more so than cancer, AIDS, chronic drug use, and heart disease combined. Common risk factors are bullying in school, history of sexual abuse, alcohol, and drug addiction, along with a history of mental illness in the family. There is also a direct correlation between socioeconomic status and suicide in urban, and remote areas. Factors such as social deprivation,Read MoreSchool Related Stress For Adolescents1412 Words   |  6 PagesCoinciding with other studies similar to it, a recent survey in Calgary decided to not only test the theory that school-related stress f or adolescents may be factor in developing depression, but to also compare these results for average high school students with their peers afflicted by learning disabilities (LD). It’s no secret that mental illnesses (including depression) have escalated for schoolchildren in the past few years, but this has lead researches to question whether the same is true forRead MoreAdolescent Suicide. Internationally, Suicide Ranks Fourth1507 Words   |  7 PagesAdolescent Suicide Internationally, suicide ranks fourth among the major causes of adolescents’ deaths (Peltzer Pengpid, 2015). Suicide ranks as the third major reason of adolescents’ deaths in the U.S. in addition to second in Europe (Shlosberg et al., 2014). In the United States, deaths of people among the ages of 10 and 24 are primarily related to auto accidents, accidental injuries, homicide, and suicide (accounting for 17%) (Shlosberg et al., 2014). The report also established that 14.6% ofRead MoreThe Correlation of Self-Esteem and Suicide1462 Words   |  6 PagesAssignment topic 1: The correlation of self-esteem and suicide The text book debates the merits of high self-esteem, noting that high self-esteem is not always good. Carry out research on one potential correlate with self-esteem. Answer the following questions : Why might the 2 factors be connected? What does research on this connection show? Propose how the relationahip could be further studied. Suicide, the act deliberate taking of one s life, disturbs and threatens humanRead MoreInterpersonal Theory Of Suicide And Suicide1275 Words   |  6 PagesEvaluate some of the factors that might contribute to a person engaging in suicidal behaviour. Suicide is the wilful taking of one’s own life. Suicide is prevalent and affects people of all ages and cultures. In the UK male population suicide is now the biggest killer of middle-aged males overtaking diseases such as cancer and heart disease. A major predictor of engaging in suicidal behaviour is depression. Furthermore, it was found that 15% of clinically depressed patients would take their ownRead MoreTragedy of Tormented Teenagers: Mental Illness Hits One in Four1429 Words   |  6 Pagesdistress in young people (Australian Government, 2013). According to Mcdougall (2013), the life expectancy for people with mental illness is 15 to 20 year lower than other Australians. Child and adolescent psychologist Carr-Gregg, states that despite of high prevalence of suicide, 80 per cent of adolescents with mental illness do not acknowledge the illness and remain untreated (as cited in Mcdougall, 2013). In the context of the impact of mental illness upon young Australians, this essay will analyseRead MoreCorrelation Between Non Suicidal Self Injury And Suicide Achievement1650 Words   |  7 PagesCorrelation Between Non-suicidal Self-injury and Suicide Achievement in Adolescents Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between teenagers with Borderline Personality Disorder who engage in non-suicidal self-injury, and teenagers with Borderline Personality Disorder who achieve suicide. The method this project will use is a simple questionnaire that asks patients four questions about their suicidal tendencies upon arrivalRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy : A Growing Epidemic1733 Words   |  7 PagesOffice of Adolescent Health, â€Å"One in four girls will become pregnant before the age of twenty.† ( Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem that has now become a major epidemic. Most of the incidents that happen with accidental teenage pregnancy are spontaneous acts that involved a lack of education and parental guidance. Two years ago, 19.4 percent of teen girls got pregnant in Maryland, according to The Office of Adolescent HealthRead MoreAdolescent Depression Essay 31549 Words   |  7 PagesAdolescent Depression Depression is something that I really have had no experience with in my life. Personally, I might have thought about killing myself figuratively at one specific point in my life. I thought about what the consequences would be and how it would effect the people who surround me in my life. As soon as these thoughts raced through my mind, I quickly realized that suicide is the wrong way to deal with life. I know that depression plays an essential role when dealing with

Solutions to Anatomy and Physiology Essay Samples

Solutions to Anatomy and Physiology Essay Samples Getting the Best Anatomy and Physiology Essay Samples The book indicates the different kinds of surgeries and treatments linked to the heart. Diseases cause symptoms felt, seen or perceived by means of an individual, and signs which might be visible on a health examination. Disease and cancer are still issues we face, and a few things have yet to be completely eradicated in spite of modern medication. Flashcards are effective because they're founded on the fundamentals of rote and memorization. On-line flashcards are a fantastic method to study! The Unexposed Secret of Anatomy and Physiology Essay Samples The use of bones is to present structural support to the body, while the use of scales is to supply external covering to the body. The body is the full structure of a human being. The skeletal system is composed of all the joints and bones within the body. Similar to any other part of the human organic structure. Orga ns, structured collections of cells with a particular function, sit in the body. List and briefly describe the sorts of homeostasis involved. Most importantly it's evident each function from the many systems in the body depends on the use of another one. These hormones are created in anterior lobes. Identify different chemicals required for digestion. Explain the operation of chemical digestion. The usage of graphics and images is quite an effective manner of explaining in a really realistic style any subject. Continuously reviewing your flash cards will guarantee you'll retain more of the information which you're studying with very little effort required. This website has a wide array of anatomical drawings of various components and aspects of the body. First is using graphics and images. Using our TEAS practice test for Science is a huge means to get used to the topic. College curriculums are competitive to make sure that a student learns every facet of the health care field. The TEAS Science area may be one of the more challenging regions of the exam, particularly if you have not taken any science courses rec ently. Students are given 51 minutes to finish the section. Standard 8 Locate the next bones. An individual have to look at anatomy utilizing micro particulars. One of the fundamental concepts in anatomy and physiology is the notion of organization. Dwelling in a connected modern Earth, you presently have info in your brain about human anatomy and physiology. Writing about anatomy isn't simple to manage, because the author ought to have a profound understanding of biology. In the same style, you might have to to study the terminology of anatomy as a way to compose a strong anatomy essay. The Fight Against Anatomy and Physiology Essay Samples Our articles concentrate on how best to compose various forms of essays and general writing advice. There is additionally the topic on surgeries. Even if writing an anatomy essay from a historical perspective, you might have to be mindful of a huge quantity of technical terms. The reach of topics on which our writers are willing and can work is expanding daily, and that means you can learn the way to receive your order done individually from our administration team. If you're looking for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service given by fully qualified academics in your area of study. There's a simpler approach to master this science. There are plenty of terms that describe various regions of the body. Such structure are available in the event of salmonids. Stopping a decrease in pH is the principal problem, because our entire body produces many different acids during normal metabolic tasks. The lymphatic system is like the circulatory system concerning both its structure and its simplest function, to carry a body fluid. Although a lot of scientific and technological developments are ma de, our understanding of the human body and the way that it works remains a mystery in many facets. You are able to then use the results to create a personalized study program which is based on your specific region of need. There are several advantages of flexibility training. In the next ten years, nursing and wellness information management vacancies will double.

Central London Property Trust Limited and Decisions

Queston: Discuss about the Central London Property Trust Limited and Decisions. Answer: Introduction: For this part of the assignment, advise as to be given to Bertini Italian Restaurant concerning the lease contract that has been created between the restaurant and Garland Properties Pty Ltd.Garland owns a large commercial property. The restaurant has been given on lease to Bertini on monthly basis but the restaurant wanted to have a long-term contract. As a result, Bertini asked them if the lease of the premises could be for a period of 10 years and an option to renew the lease for the next 5 years. But in this case, Garland did not agree for a lease of 10 years. When the negotiations for the lease were going on, it became clear that Garland was going to offer Bertini a lease for five years only. But in this regard, Garland had told Bertini that it is required to me considerable refurbishments on the property before the beginning of the lease and to the satisfaction of Garland. Garland said that this was being done in order to ensure that the restaurant is of the same standard when compared with the other restaurants that were open the same commercial complex. But Bertini was not sure if they were in a position to be the expenses for the refurbishments, especially if the lease for 10 years was not granted by Garland. It also needs to be pointed out that the cost for the refurbishment was nearly $2 million. Under these circumstances, Garland stated that although it was not going to give a lease for 10 years but if Bertini signed the lease for five years, and it also refurbished the restaurant in accordance with the wishes of Garland before the start of Melbourne Expo, Garland stated that it will certainly keep in mind the interests of Bertini when it was the time for the renewal of the lease. It was also mentioned by the representatives of Garland that they were allowing a lease for five years only to ensure that the lease aligns with the lease provided to the other tenants of the complex. However, in the lease agreement that there was no option for renewing th e contract, but it has been stated that the landlord had been given notice to the tenant if the disease was going to be renewed by the landlord or if the landlord was going to allow the tenant who occupied the premises on monthly basis or if the landlord wanted the tenant to vacate the premises after the expiry of the lease. In the present case, then six months were left in the expiry of the lease, Garland informed Bertini that the lease was not going to be renewed and as a result, Bertini had to vacate the premises. Under these circumstances, the issue arises is in the present case, Bertini can rely on the statement of Garland when it had assured Bertini that it was going to keep in mind the interests of the company at the time of the renewal of the lease. Moreover, Bertini had relied on this promise and spent nearly $2 million for the refurbishment of the restaurant. In Commonwealth v Verwayen (1990) and effort was made by the High Court to unify the law in this regard under the doctrine of unconscionability. On the other hand, Estoppel under the common law deals with the rules of evidence. Estoppel by judgment, common law estoppel, estoppel by representation and estoppel by convention are included in it. Estoppel by judgment is known among the lawyers as res judicata. In this regard, equity requires that a party cannot be allowed to raise an issue in the subsequent proceedings if it was possible to raise such an issue during earlier proceedings. Estoppel by deed, prevents the parties from denying a representation that was made by it in the recital of the deed. Similarly, estoppel by convention prohibits the parties from denying the agreed order to resume the state of facts on the basis of which, relations between the parties have been created. Under the common law estoppel, the parties are not allowed to deny their conduct while estoppel by repr esentation imposes a prohibition on the parties that they cannot deny a representation affect that was made by them earlier (Bryan, 2012). In Commonwealth v Verwayen (1990), the court had talked about the limitations placed on the promissory estoppel when the appropriate relief has been mentioned by the court as minimum equity to do justice. Under these circumstances, it is clear that promissory estoppel is based on the representation that has been made by a party regarding future. It has the capability to create new rights for the parties relating to property. It also needs to be mentioned that this doctrine is based on unconscionability. Promissory estoppel arises in a situation where the conduct of a person has resulted in an expectation by the other person that such a person is going to obtain an interest in land from the first person. As a result of such an expectation, the person alters its position or acts to its detriment. In such cases the law provides that equity is in favor of such a person. However, the nature and extent of equity has to be decided on the basis of the circumstances of each case. Hence, it can be said that there are two main heads for the doctrine of estoppel. These are assurance, reliance and detriment. Wide variations may exist regarding the quality of assurance that is needed in order to gi ve rise to expectation (Fitzpatrick at al., 2016). But it can be said that evidence is needed for establishing the following propositions:- that A has given or going to give an interest in the property to B and (ii) A nose regarding the expectation of B and (iii) A detriment has been incurred by B due to the reliance on such expectation and it is also great expenditure on the property or given up rights concerning the real property (iv) the expectation can be legally passed on by A to B and (v) B was interested by A or at least A was aware of the detriment that B was going to suffer. Although the heads of proprietary estoppel appeared to be a matter of president and logic that needs to be decided reasonably, not much certainty exists concerning the remedies that may be available to the other party. When promissory estoppel is proved, in most of the cases the remedy granted to the other party is an order made by the court affecting the gift by the conveyance or transferring the interest. When such conveyance or transfer cannot be made effectively, the law requires the promisee to make do with the lesser remedy of equitable charge. On the other hand, when proprietary stopper is established on the basis of a representation to transfer an interest in as a result of land, the main remedy is not to fulfill the promise by transfer on conveyancing the interest but stripping the profit made by the promisor as a result of its unfulfilled promise. In view of the above mentioned discussion, in the present case it has to be considered if Bertini can be allowed to rely on the promise that was made by Garland. In this case, an interest in property was given by Garland to Bertini. The interest in land was in the form of a lease. Similarly, Garland also knew regarding the expectation of Bertini that the lease will be at least extended for the next 10 years. It has been clearly demanded by Bertini that the lease with the extended for ten years. As a result, Garland was well aware of the expectation of Bertini. On the basis of this expectation that the lease will be extended for the next five years after the first five years have expired, Bertini made an expenditure of $2 million for refurbishing the restaurant according to the expectations of Garland. Moreover, Garland also wanted to refurbish the restaurant before the start of Melbourne Expo so that it becomes comparable with the other properties. On the other hand, it was difficult for Bertini to spend $2 million for refurbishing the restaurant especially if the lease was not extended for 10 years. Under these circumstances, Garland at given an assurance to Bertini that after the expiry of the first five years, Garland will take care of Bertini's interests. As a result, Bertini had relied on the expectation that the lease will be extended for the next five years and made an expenditure of $2 million. Similarly, it can also be stated that the need to incur the detriment or to make the expenditure was encouraged by Garland. As a result, now Garland cannot claim that the did not knew regarding the expectations of Bertini. Consequently, Bertini can rely on promissory estoppel and made Garland extend the lease for the next five years. In case of equitable estoppel, that is also known as the estoppel by acquiescence or promissory estoppel restrictions imposed by the court in Jordan v Money (1854) are not applicable. Especially the High Court had considered the effect of the doctrine of promissory estoppel in several cases. Therefore in Legione v Hateley (1983), the High Court had acknowledged that promissory estoppel can act as the basis of a claim and at the same time, it can also be considered as a defense. But keeping in view the facts of this case, the Court was of the opinion that the plaintiff was relying on the statement which cannot be considered as sufficiently promising. Another important case related to these facts is Waltons Stores (Interstate) Limited v Maher (1988). In this case the court acknowledged a plane that was made on the basis of promissory estoppel. Although in this case, the had not rejected the decision given in Jordan v Money but it came up with equitable principle that has been used by the court in Central London Property Trust Limited v High Trees House Limited (1947). As a result, in this case, the party was not allowed to deny the presence of the representation regarding the exercise of existing contractual rights. These principles are further elaborated by the court in Bank Negara Indonesia v Hoalim (1973) and this decision was also approved by the court in Saleh v Romanous, 2010 as they applied to the rights of the parties which were not present in earlier but that have appeared as a result of the change in the position by the representee. In Waltons Stores, the majority had come up with different estoppels. Mason CJ and Wilson J, and Brennan J had come up with a separate judgment in which they decided this case on the basis of promissory estoppel. However, in the judgment delivered by Deane and Gaudron JJ, the conclusion was based on the grounds of, what a presentation made by the appellant or, on the basis of the induced assumption that has been made by the respondent concerning the fact that the contract in dispute was in fact present (Cooke, 2000). The practical difference that is present between equitable estoppel and promissory estoppel may result in different remedies. It is worth mentioning at this point that according to the common law, a right is not created on the basis of estoppel. The right arises as a result of the state of facts that have been discovered by the court. But in case of equitable estoppel, equity is created that in itself is the source of rights. Under the common law, the estopped party is n ot allowed by estoppel to deny a fact, for example, the presence of a contract, theoretically the other party may bring your cross-claim concerning the contract for breach. However a remedy like equitable compensation is not provided by the equity. It can be paid by the estopped party and it is limited to compensating the detriment that the other party has suffered. Advise Garland by focusing in particular on issues of collateral contract, promissory estoppel and remedies A collateral contract arises between the parties when a promise has been made by one party that is independent from the main contract. The consideration for this promise is entering into the contract by the other party. A collateral contract needs to be established strictly. Similarly, a collateral contract is created only on the satisfaction of these two requirements. It should be promising in nature, the contract is made for the purpose of inducing the other party to enter the contract and it should be consistent with the terms of the main contract. The standard bargain theory provides that a promise cannot be treated as binding unless the other party has paid a price in return. This price can be in the form of a promise or an act. Similarly it can be in the form of money also. However in some cases, even non-contractual promise may create binding obligations. The doctrine of promissory estoppel provides that like other equitable remedies, the grant of this remedy is also discretionary. Now proprietary estoppel is treated as a part of general equitable estoppel. In case of proprietary estoppel, there is doing or something, which is believed by a person to provide the right to land, for example by erecting a building or making some improvements, and the real owner of the land can be estopped from claiming that such person does not have any right over the property. It also needs to be mentioned that as against other jurisdictions, estoppel can be used as a cause of action as well as a defense in Australia. Hence, in Australia, the promissory estoppel can be used as a sword, and also a shield. It is only in Australia where the concept of equitable estoppel can be found. It is due to this fusion of areas separate heads of estoppel that took place in Walton Stores v Mehar. When promissory estoppel is claimed, the party that has made the representation is estopped from enforcing the contract if doing so will be inequitable or unconscionable because the other party had relied on such representation (Handley, 2006). In Walton Stores (Interstate) Ltd v Maher and Another (1988) 76 ALR 513, Mr. and Mrs. Maher owned certain commercial property. Walton stores had entered into negotiations Maher for the release of the property. For complying with the requirements of Walton's, Mahers decided to demolish the old building and erect a new building on the property that was being made according to the specifications given by Walton's. Walton's also advised Maher's that they should try to complete the new building by 15 January, 1984. In this regard, the parties also agreed to extend the time for the completion of the building. The parties also decided the rent of the building and the terms of the lease. The solicitors of Walton's gave Maher's a draft agreement for the lease. Maher's solicitor told the other solicitors that Maher's wanted to complete the agreement within the next one or two days. But later on, Walton's decided that they do not want to lease the property of Maher's. Maher's initiating action in the Supreme Court of NSW while they sought a declaration that a binding contract is present. Between the parties and similarly they also wanted the specific performance of the contract or if this was not possible, damages. The court at the first instances decided the case in their favor. The court stated that as a result of the common law estoppel, Walton's cannot be allowed to deny that an agreement is present between them. Therefore the court order damages to be paid by the Walton's. An appeal was made to the NSW Court of Appeal, but it was also dismissed and as a result, an appeal was made to the High Court by the Waltons. The legal issue before the court was if the Walton's can be estopped from claiming that a contract has not been concluded between them regarding the lease of the property. The High Court also dismissed this appeal. Although the judges gave separate decisions, but with the exception of Mason CJ and Wilson J, all of them thought that the Walton's, cannot be allowed to deny the presence of an enforceable agreement related with the lease of the property even if they have not signed the formal contract. In view of the legal rules mentioned above and relevant case law, in the present case, it can be concluded that Garland Properties Pty Ltd cannot be allowed to claim that a contract is not present between the parties for extending the lease of the restaurant for the next five years after the initial period of five years has expired. As a result, in this case, even if Bertini are not providing any consideration to support the promise made by Garland for extending the lease of the property for the next five years, still this promise can be enforced against Garland. However, Garland can claim that it is not liable to pay $200,000 that Bertini was going to earn as ordinary profit as well as the $100,000 as exceptional profits. References Bryan, M., (2012) Almost 25 years on: some reflections on Waltons v Maher 6 Journal of Equity 131 Cooke, E., (2000) The Modern Law of Estoppel, Oxford University Press Fitzpatrick J, Symes C, Veljanovski A, and Parker D 2016, Business and Corporations Law (3rd edition), LexisNexis Butterworths, Australia Handley, KR, (2006) Three High Court decisions on estoppel 1988-1990 80 Australian Law Journal 724 Handley, KR, (2010) Further thoughts on proprietary estoppel 84 Australian Law Journal 239A Bank Negara Indonesia v Hoalim (1973) 3 PCC 27 Central London Property Trust Limited v High Trees House Limited [1947] KB 130 Commonwealth v Verwayen (1990) 170 CLR 394 Legione v Hateley (1983) 152 CLR 406 Saleh v Romanous [2010] NSWSC 274 Silovi Pty Ltd v Barbaro (1988) 13 NSWLR 466 Waltons Stores (Interstate) Limited v Maher (1988) 164 CLR 387

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Auden an the Greeks free essay sample

We would never have become fully conscious, which is to say that we would never have become, for better or worse, fully human. † this quote is for W. H. Auden, who was a prolific writer and plat write. In this paper I will endeavor to give insight about the author of this quote, the origins of this piece, and what the author meant in writhing it. As well as examples of proof that Audens theory was true or not. And finally I will give my opinion whether I feel that Auden quote is correct. To start with a short back ground on the author Wystan Hugh Auden he was born in York, England, in 1907. He moved to Birmingham during childhood and was educated at Christ Church, Oxford. As a young man he was influenced by the poetry of Thomas Hardy, Robert Frost, William Blake, Emily Dickinson, as well as old English verse,(http://www. We will write a custom essay sample on Auden an the Greeks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page poets. org ). Auden seem to have always had a fascination with the ancient Greeks having been educated at a young age on the teaching of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle . Audens love of the ancient Greeks would in later life place him in the category as a Grecophile: ( a lover of all things Greek). This love of Ancient Greek; teachings, and traditions Im sure this led to Audens viewpoint of how the Greeks contributed to modern civilization. In researching Audens line about the Ancient Greeks and their contributions to are modern day society I found that the line is taken from a larger writing entitled: ‘The Greeks and Us’ in Forewords and Afterwords, (W.H. Auden, New York, 1973, p. 32). The Quote is: â€Å"I can think of no better way of indicating what we owe to Greece than drawing distinctions, for of all intellectual acts, that is perhaps the most characteristically Greek. It is they who have taught us, not to thinkthat all human beings have always donebut to think about our thinking, to ask such questions as â€Å"What do I think? †, â€Å"What do this and that other person or people think? †, â€Å"On what do we agree and disagree? Why? And not only did they learn to ask questions about thinking, but they also discovered how, instead of giving immediate answers to suppose something to be the case and then see what would follow if it were. To be able to perform either of these mental operations, a human being must first be capable of a tremendous feat of moral courage and discipline, for he must have learned how to resist the immediate demands of feeling and bodily needs, and to disregard his natural anxiety about his future so that he can look at his self and his world as if they were not his but a stranger’s. If some of the Greek questions turned out to have been incorrectly put, if some of their answers have proved wrong, that is a trivial matter. Had Greek civilization never existed, we might fear God and deal justly with our neighbors, we might practice arts and even have learned how to devise fairly simple machines, but we would never have become fully conscious, which is to say that we would never have become , for better or worse, fully human. †(W. H. Auden, New York, 1973, p. 32). In reading this text I begin to understand where Audens viewpoint is coming from. The main part of the text and purpose of this paper is still widely regarded as true by many citizens in our country today. That the ancient Greek society of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates, still offers much to the modern world. And with out this it would be hard to imagine what our world would be like without their contributions. Auden is agreeing with this philosophy. Auden is basically saying that the ancient Greeks have contributed how we should be looking at things that affect are daily lives, however so many of us do not. This is saying that we should be looking at a subject from not only are own viewpoint, or are initial first thought on the subject, but to be introspective and take the time to contemplate how the world around us may, or may not, see the same set of circumstance. And then taking all opinions into consideration for the final outcome regardless ff that outcome is good or bad. This takes a lot of mentally thought and discipline since in modern society we tend to be less philosophical, most of us say and do what first comes to our minds regardless of what others around us feel or think of the matter, or the eventual outcome of the situation. In my opinion Auden was saying that we can and should apply this to every aspect of are lives whether it is a personal matter, a judgment call, or really anything. The Greeks felt, in my opinion, that you must always think of your fellow man first and place oneself in his shoes, how another would feel and react to a situation taking that in to consideration and basing ones thoughts and actions on that. This sets peoples apart from a reactionary society to a thinking one, and had Greek civilization not existed we may have made our way, however we would certainly not had compassion for our fellow man and their viewpoints, in other words we would have not become fully human. This school of thought can be shown in example by the relationship of the three great ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, theirs was a relationship of a teacher educating his pupils. Socrates schooled his followers, Plato, Aristotle with his vast knowledge and wisdom, the method became known as Socratic. According to Socrates an inquisitive nature was critical in understanding and solving questions. And by posing this to every one from the man on the street to authority figures and taking their opinions into consideration would compel you to the most reasonable and logical answer benefiting all involved in the situation. However not even Socrates pupils always agreed with his teachings. Both Plato and Aristotle disagreed with some of Socrates views and disagreed with one another. One thing that both did agree on was that an open forum of opinions would help you to acquire the best solution to a problem. Whether they agreed with it or not you must listen and always continue to discover from as many sources to come to the correct conclusion. In conclusion my viewpoint on W. H. Audens comment: â€Å"Had Greek civilization never existed we would never have become fully conscious, which is to say that we would never have become, for better or worse, fully human. That yes indeed, after researching what he was referring to and the trying to look at it from the perspective of the ancient Greeks that using critical thinking, and excepting all shades of opinion whether you agree with them or not and allowing them into your decision making process this is the most effectual way of deducing a question. In this I agree, however I find the modern world we are living in that few of my fellow humans take little or any of this into consideration. Today in my opinion we speak more often before we think of what we are saying and how it effects other and these peoples viewpoints. To me this is sad, if we thought more about the views and feelings of one another and less about making sure our own voice is heard what a different society we would live in. I would have to say I agree with W. H. Auden that if not for ancient Greece we would not have developed fully in to humans. However I feel that our modern society is growing rapidly away from theses ancient principals.